Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Sometimes the mask slips

Hard to believe.

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We got him


Itā€™s rare that Trump can say anything that his cult doesnā€™t immediately adopt. His vaccine support is the only thing in memory, but that just gets him boos at rallies, I donā€™t think it costs him votes. This probably wonā€™t cost him much either as a vote percentage but maybe it will be enough to swing the election.

Warrenā€™s DNA test is still the winner. Youā€™ll never beat miscalculations on the left because the left is actually punished for it. An overly enthusiastic yell is enough to sink you if youā€™re too far left.

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Thank goodness for Americaā€™s vigorously-defended campaign finance laws.

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Lolā€™d at the last line of the blurbā€”no shit, you mean to tell me thereā€™s still room to fall from a $5 billion valuation?

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What a fucking stupid thing to say.

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Idk what his problem with Graham is. How could he possibly expect Lindsey to debase himself any more than he already has?

Edit: I guess Lindsey slipped up on abortion. Havenā€™t seen what he said, specifically.

ā€¦ our Great Roe v. Wade Victory of sending a complicated and controversial Issue back to the States where, according to Highly Respected Legal Scholars on both sides, it belongs. The Democrats are thrilled with Lindsey, because they want this Issue to simmer for as long a period of time as possible. They are destroying our Country, and they donā€™t want to talk about Inflation, a Bad Economy, the Horrible Open Border, Rigged Elections, Afghanistan, Ukraine/Russia, or the Attack on Israel, all of which would never have happened if I were President. Great job Lindsey!

Not bad.

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There is a difference between being excited about abortion bans and being excited about Trump loudly promoting abortion bans that he will enact whether he talks about them or not.

The latter is definitely good to be excited about.

Thatā€™s right a lot of the time, but dead wrong here. Unless you meant something very different, Iā€™m reading that as you saying that there are a lot of dems who are secretly pro-abortion bans. Iā€™m not sure I have ever encountered or even heard of such a person irl. Or even online for that matter.


I want to believe, but I donā€™t trust the current state of Newsweek.


Itā€™s probably about 10 percent real news and 90 percent clickbait

will be able to begin

Lot of work to get from there to anything happening.

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Nah I fully believe that theyā€™re anti-ban, I donā€™t think anyone is lying. The mask is pretending to care about anything more than their own election chances.

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ā€œPoliticians care more about their own election than they do about any of the policies they espouseā€ is a pretty cold take. This is known. There is no mask.

But to the original posterā€™s point, itā€™d be nice if they didnā€™t come off as giddy about the rights of people being stripped away because it might get Joe a second term. Theyā€™re supposed to be a little better at hiding it than that.