Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Euros would make fun of all of us for using checks at all.


Seeing some places able to scan right at the table. Standard in Europe.

Also the QR code on the check is nice. Some of the restaurant apps themselves can handle payment as well.


I get annoyed by cashless places.


That’s exactly what I’ve been doing for years.

Lol @ an advanced banking system still using cheques :joy:

At least we modernized our spelling of the word.

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Never forget this classic:


I haven’t taken a check to the bank or an atm to cash in 15 years.

You’d love my favorite bagel restaurant/deli near me - they are cash only. They don’t have a website, either.


As long as there are Yelp reviews with pics of the menu with current prices, I can handle it.

To be fair cheques are super rare here too. I’ve maybe used one once in the past 3 years.

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I use checks exclusively to pay plumbers/contractors/etc. Maybe they take Zelle now. They don’t ever mention it, or advertise it.

By modernized you mean butchered the Queen’s English. :grin:

I went thru a crowded drive thru the other week. So busy that they had people outside taking orders. After I ordered with the person I was informed they can’t take cash. Well ok, here’s my cc, but what if someone didn’t have it on them? They couldn’t back up (line of cars behind) and couldn’t pull forward (line of cars in front). I guess they’d have made them wait to get thru, pass the window where you pick up food, and expected them to then park and go wait in line again inside?! Fuck that. I’d have been pissed. And no. There was no sign at the beginning of the drive thru

Pay with your cellphone or watch?

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My local Chick-Fil-A is generally swamped like that, basically unless it’s dead they always have people going down the line taking orders by default. If you need to pay cash then they’ll flag it as such and you can pay when you actually get your food at the window.


It’s annoying chick fil a apparently expects all their customers to have the menu memorized? They take the order before you get to it!

the little chic-fil-a readers cant do multiple payment methods. my mother always sends me 10 dollar giftcards for holidays and i end up having to pay at the reader person and at the window for the extra.

we need better little card reader technology in this country… lol. thanks joebiden…

Pro Chick-fil-A move is to order on the app and go through the separate mobile line. I’m almost always the only one in it. Still merges with the regular line at the location closest to me, but it’s also still much faster.

One nearby location was torn down and rebuilt recently. On its second day reopening, I was in the area, so decided to check it out. Placed a mobile order before I headed over. Skipped a dozen cars. Nobody was using the express lane.