Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

“in private”

Lol, he praises despots in public all the time.


“I just watched this great movie: Downfall. DOWNFALL. Hitler – bad guy, many people say – but the people closest to him knew him better than anybody and they loved him very much. When the war was ending and it was clear they lost, Goerring’s wife poisoned their four young children, because she didn’t want them to grow up in a world without Hitler. Isn’t that amazing? That is the greatest gift you can give to your leader, in my opinion. A really incredible film, I’d highly recommend it. Not a lot of people know.”


“This Adolf Hitler guy is the greatest guy ever”- Hitler’s dog


Adolf Hitler’s love of dogs is the only thing Donald Trump doesn’t like about him.


“Hitler loved dogs – that’s how you know he had a screw loose. Dogs are disgusting creatures, I would never want a dog as a pet. I look at dogs and I get an overwhelming feeling scorn and revulsion towards them, I just think ‘get it away from me’. That’s why when I fire someone I really dislike I say I fired him like a dog. Because, if you listen closely and pay attention, it’s clear that I hate dogs. Now some woke psychiatrist could probably come up for a reason for that but we don’t like WOKE, do we folks? We’re not gonna have to listen to any psychiatrists anymore, that I can tell you.”


Donald may not be a great strategic thinker or planner, but some planning went into Jan 6, and the plan was under way before the election. Lucky for us they fucked it up but he and his people at least thought about losing and what to do in that case. I’m sure they’ll do the same now, and the stakes are higher for him. So what’s his plan? Fuck off to Russia? Build a moat around Mar a Lago? Start a MAGA militia?

Godwin’s law. But Trump is a lock to have been pro Hitler in WW2

MAGA chuds would also be pro hitler. They would cheer death camps for minorities.

Trump asked Elon Musk if he wanted to buy Truth Social

Probably the worst pitch meeting of all time lol.

Once again. Cue up the Commodus gif.

Everything is basically out there in the open on video already. Late edition attention whores.

Let’s see an actual consequence before we celebrate any journalism and law process.

:leolol: That’s actually a pretty good troll.


Yes, it is.

This is a mistake, imo. Dishonest Don rolls off the tongue a lot easier.


Say her name (he misspelled it).

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it’s worse than the preview implies. look at the shittiest of all shit-eating grins.

It’s gross, but you’re supposed to smile?

A friend told me you don’t smile when you pose for pictures in Russia. Then I looked at old family pictures and I think that’s just the way it was (not just in Russia, I mean).

she’s dead tho.

it’s fine to smile in pictures in Russia, unless that offends the church or some patricians. then you might be arrested and convicted. photos used to be a lot harder to take and develop, through the 80s and early 90s, so people normally wouldn’t smile for photos because it might look bad and waste film.

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Seems like dad is the only one not (totally) under the picture posing spell.


proud day for that family