Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Oh, he is running a Kickstarter (or similar) campaign. LOL

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Thanks for mentioning that! I’m gonna finally make a trip out there this year now.

What are these sanctions exactly. Anyone know?

There really should be a website tracking all of this legal shit. Like Guiliani. Here’s a list everything he’s facing and what stage everything is at. Then Powell, then Stone, then Bannon, then Navarro, etc., etc. so the public can keep track of accountability


How can DeSantis be on that short list after vetoeing some dumb Florida tax proposal to help his legal fees?

He wants everyone to be on the “list” so that they all suck up to him for months. That’s it.


Maybe Trump’s been getting really into into Team of Rivals.

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I don’t get why anyone with a hope of a political future would take the VP. Even if Trump wins, it doesn’t help the VP.

So from that list, it only really makes sense for Tulsi and DeSantis.

Yeah a short time ago it made zero sense for Puddin’ Ron but now it’s better than his other options. You come for the king you best not miss.

Trump doesn’t know his own short list. Listen to how quickly he answered “yeah”. I’d say it’s better than a coin flip that he has no idea who Tulsi Gabbard is.

Nah, the visibility of the VP position is just too valuable to pass up, plus a very good chance of inheriting the presidential role.


Non-zero chance Trump dies in office?

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Vivek would murder his family for VP


Ron might be a good fit for VP, he should be fully aware of the dangers of coconut trees.

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UP on the night of Tulsi vs. Kamala VP debate would be wild.


Right and as long as you’re okay with the prospect of getting lynched by his supporters if you don’t cover his ass and do his illegal bidding when he needs it

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He would murder Trump to be president. Maybe Putin thinks Trump is too inconsistent and would help an ambitious VP ascend to the top.

I want him to pick Ron because at the end of the day it doesn’t matter and I’d like to read the Clarence Thomas opinion on why it’s fine they are both from Florida.

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