Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

“most of his wealth is tied up in GOP donations”

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Jr. and Eric each fined $4 million

There’s no way Trumps narcissistic greedy ass lets them have a dime of his money until he’s dead. So I bet $4 million is a lot for them too.

Was there actual grabbing? I’m fuzzy on the details. I remember the photo and some of the other allegations, but not that specifically. It could be that I just forgot. There are too many of these to keep straight.

Thing is, Gaetz doesn’t even seem to have any allies in Congress, everyone hates him, he’s an MTG-style annoying backbencher. Still somehow gets away with all kinds of crimes. You’d think Mitch would have wanted to ice the guy but no.

Yes, multiple women accused him of being grabby during photo ops.

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Thanks. I figured I had just forgotten.

Maybe Gaetz is actually the pedo with kompromat we thought Epstein was all along


Can we not downplay sexual assaults just because someone else committed worse sexual assaults?

We can point out the assymetrical warfare without going there.


• Barbra Jones is ordered to continue her roll as independent monitor for a period of no less than three years.


Live look at NYAG’s office


OK so all he needs is a huge bank with extra cash that it’s willing to lend him, and also doesn’t do business in the state of New York.

I mean he has no choice but the Russians or Saudis. We’re MAKING him do it!

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Is there any way Trump can avoid paying up by wearing one of those Groucho Marx masks or dressing like a sexy lady?


Huell was one really oddly shaped dude.


I’m more worried he’ll win despite being a convicted felon than I am he’ll beat the rap in criminal court.


He’s pretending $400M (or whatever it is, numbers are all over the place) doesn’t matter? Seems to be more upset about pictures of his behind.

The Fani Willis trial to get her and special prosecutor she was dating is wild.

Defense called the special prosecutor’s former law partner who represented him in his divorce. As part of that representation he learned the details of the affair (which possibly contradicts what they testified to regarding when it started). He asserted that his knowledge of this was privileged as it related to his representation. He also asserted that his reason for leaving the firm was privileged.

However, he had also been texting and calling with defense counsel and sharing that information - in violation of the privilege. On direct, he was only allowed to confirm he spoke with defense counsel, but not confirm what he told them since the privilege was never waived by the client (i.e. the special prosecutor) and thus still applied.

On cross from the state, it came out that he had sexually assaulted at least two people at the firm, and the special prosecutor had forced him out for this. This was brought out to show he was unreliable and biased against the special prosecutor.

Now though, the judge is questioning whether he understands privilege since he initially claimed the stuff about the sexual assaults was privileged, so he’s going to consider whether he can now testify about everything the special prosecutor told him about the affair.


Yeah he seems thoroughly screwed just so long as he doesn’t win the election.