Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Hearing starting again

Trump moving to the left of the Republican Party

Uhhh wasn’t the 47 year precedent 21 weeks? At 16 weeks, lagtights’ sky wizard proclaims fetuses babies?

All of this, for 5 weeks?

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in Canada we don’t have any set time frame, but most hospitals and clinics won’t perform an abortion if they think the baby can survive outside the womb. That’s usually around 5 months and a bit I think.

Fani Willis’s dad knew about covid in 2019. He must read UP


But they help rich people avoid taxes. That’s Good For The Economy.

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trump doesn’t give a shit about it, didn’t understand what overturning roe would actually lead to, and now realizes that it’s causing him a bunch of problems. so yeah, he wants to walk some of it back and is trying to figure out how to do that without pissing off all the evangelicals


This is like the driest, most understated evaluation I’ve ever seen.

[Famous Finance Professor] Ritter said that in his opinion the merged company’s valuation — roughly $9 billion, based on Digital World’s current price — is out of sync with the Trump company’s financial performance. Trump Media generated $3.4 million in revenue and lost $49 million during the first nine months of 2023, Digital World said in a recent SEC filing.

In other news, my appearance, habits, and financial status are out of sync with me dating Padma Lakshmi.


What are the cliffs notes on why people are trying to throw Willis off the case? She had a relationship with the prosecuting attorney? And why would that affect the case?

she’ll be replaced by a DA from a neighboring jurisdiction which is a lock to be a republican who will dismiss the charges

The allegation is that there is a conflict of interest because she somehow benefitted financially from hiring her boyfriend, and this would affect the ability of the defendants to get a fair trial.

They haven’t been able to establish that though.

How bout no ban at all fucker

So because she’s benefitting financially she is going to try really hard to prosecute a crime that he has been indicted for? Isn’t that always what she’s trying to do? I guess I don’t understand the conflict.

(I get that it’s all bullshit probably and just meant to flood the zone with more bullshit, but the alleged problem doesn’t even make sense to me.)

If there’s no prosecution of your favorite president, Willis can’t give her bf a job that pays well enough for them to take lavish vacations. The only reason Willis is going after “Trump” is so Willis can party. This is clearly a conflict of interest.

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it obviously DOES make sense to you, you just explained exactly what is happening, it’s all bullshit to flood the zone and delay

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Yes. Al franken resigns for some grab ass

Matt gaetz fucks literal kids. Still has a job

That’s what you need to know about what is going on


$350 million judgement


Engoron cut Trump a ~25M break? I hope he appreciates that.

Mr. Trump will appeal the financial penalty — which could climb to $400 million or more once interest is added — but will have to either come up with the money or secure a bond within 30 days. The ruling will not render him bankrupt, because most of his wealth is tied up in real estate.


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