Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Were these the scaramuchi years?

I mean, minutes?

Time it was and what a time it was, it was
A time of innocence
A time of confidences
Long ago it must be
I have a photograph
Preserve your memories
They’re all that’s left you

So according to the prosecutor, Willis gave him a trip to Belize as a birthday present. Pretty nice present.

Ah, well, nevertheless.

For lawbros this just proves that the system works.

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And she reimbursed him for the stuff he paid for. In cash :rofl:

Yeah this hearing sounds awful. One week they’re in Aruba, the next in Belize, then in Miami.

Now they are talking about taint contracts. I’m not making this up.

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taint nothin’ imo


Whose taint?


Meanwhile, Clarence is married to a goddamn insurrectionist and sitting in judgement on SCOTUS. Jfc. Asymmetrical warfare. TV lawbros are talking about the appearance of impropriety. Clarence has been on the ass-end of 8-1 rulings making him a glaring outlier for clearly personal reasons.

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We strenuously object. Is that how it works?


lol who is Blanche here?

Todd Blanche, one of Trump’s lawyers. Seems like one of the low quality noise maker types like Habba.

If you mean which character from A Few Good Men, then the one played by Demi Moore.

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when was the last time melania was seen with trump? her mom’s funeral?

Yeah. We had video of trump standing outside of her limo chatting with her for a minute before walking away to his separate limo

The fake Melania conspiracy was the one wacky conspiracy theory that I can kinda get into.


Fani Willis voluntarily taking the stand

that’s amazing, did you come up with that?


“Tennessee’s kind of hard to call a vacation.”
