Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I actually thought that at some point she’d be like “ok, ok, he’s the greatest” in an attempt to be VP but lol me.

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God this mutherfucker is so fragile it’s crazy.


The Orrin G. Hatch–Bob Goodlatte Music Modernization Act

“Responsible”: The wiki article doesn’t mention Trump except for the signing ceremony and his dinner afterwards with Kanye.

If Trump believes is all about him, he clearly thinks every individual thinks is all about them. He can’t conceive of anyone focusing on society in general rather than their own personal gain. That’s why he can’t understand how Taylor Swift or anyone else can’t support him despite all he claims he’s done for them.

This might still happen. Haley is as utterly shameless as the rest of them.

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Totally agree, but I think he’s way too petty and she’s burned that bridge.

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Go ahead and tell me it’s easy to tell what is real and what is fake in this climate.

This is literally 50/50.

The media’s response to Trumps NATO comments show nobody has learned anything in the last 9 years.

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What’s there to learn? The media wants Trump.


yeah trump is way better for media business. he gets way more clicks than biden surely.

“Without immunity from criminal prosecution, the Presidency as we know it will cease to exist,” Trump’s attorneys wrote in an application for the Supreme Court to pause the ruling from a lower court.



Sounds like there will be an evidentiary hearing on Thursday re: the relationship between Willis and the outside prosecutor she appointed.

This pleases me.

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Is there video evidence?


They are going to lose races due to gross mismanagement/outright fraud. Guarantee that a lot of GOP is going to disappear into some interesting pockets.

Gift article from WaPo. Has some nice details.

Unprecedented assignment: Defending Donald Trump in criminal court
With four criminal indictments and multiple civil cases, the former president has built the equivalent of a boutique law firm

Article says there is a law partner that will testify that the relationship started earlier than Willis claims. Also, the guy was going through a divorce and, because we live in the darkest timeline (and I watch too much trash TV), I will not be shocked if his ex wife had some sort of PI or video surveillance setup.

Some people had sex. Ergo. Trump didn’t actually do the crimes that we have him on tape doing

What the fuck are we doing here.