Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I believe that Donald Trump would blow is own brains out before ever spending a night in jail.

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Ken Paxton’s criminal trial is supposed to start in April. Without looking it up, guess when was he first charged?

No clue and I had to look it up. That’s insane!

I mean, on the one hand, it’s supposed to be hard to put someone in jail. On the other, that’s only true if you have wealth and status. If you’re poor and Hispanic, you get arrested, tried, and jailed lickety split

Arrested, jailed, then tried. Usually with a guilty plea because it’s the fastest way out of jail.


Right, that’s what USA#1 is known for. Famously a place where it is very difficult to put people in jail.



It’s almost as if you didn’t read the next two sentences

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lol, i had to google that. i thought it meant they were lazy and would skip monday.


Wait until I tell you what Britney’s really singing about in “If You Seek Amy”.


Hi all, I really don’t wish to derail so please DM rather than replying if anyone can help with this.

My kid is preparing a dissertation on the following question and is looking for source links:

“To what extent did media coverage of the 2016 election contribute to Donald Trump’s success as a populist candidate?”

Anyone who can help with examples of how the media portrayed trump in 2016 and/or what influence that had on opinions in key states please DM me. Literally just looking for a dump of material atm so she can sort through it and present an argument. Thanks in advance!

Not what you are looking for, but:

I remember Trump would say outlandish dumb crap every day and since he was a presidential candidate they would show it on tv every day. They wanted to appear impartial so they wouldn’t comment on how idiotic it was.

I remember a first time Trump voter saying they kept seeing him on tv all the time speaking and while they didn’t understand what he was saying, simply being on tv all the time made them think he was a smart leader with a big following who could provide a lot of change.

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I would start by adding up how much the 24/7 free coverage would have cost any other candidate

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Just enter the exact question into Google and it should take you right to stuff like this: