Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

He’s already PAID $5m. Is that nothing?

He didn’t pay the $5 million, he put it in escrow so he could appeal the ruling.

In May, a different jury awarded Carroll $5 million. It found Trump not liable for rape, but responsible for sexually abusing Carroll and then defaming her by claiming she made it up. He is appealing that award.

To a billionaire yes. Obviously Trump is probably not a billionaire and Trump’s financial situation is a massive question mark though. Dude has grifted an enormous amount of money out of the MAGA crowd the last 9 years. Whether or not he actually currently has much of that is anyone’s guess.

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I used to think the trials would be a major problem for him but it now seems unlikely any of them will happen before the election. Lol
Law always wins.


Yes, on Jan 31, 2024, my general belief is still that absolute dick has happened to Trump and LOL America is still letting him run for President and he’s got a real shot at winning and he’s out there spewing his bullshit daily and maga laps it up.

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My understanding is if he loses that appeal, as is likely, he immediately forfeits the $5M. The same would happen to the $83M, if he chooses to appeal that judgement and loses. By appealing he is giving up the option to say fu I’m not paying. He has 30 days to decide if it’s worth it.

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The trials weren’t going to be a problem if there were convictions well before the election.

He’s out 5 mil unless it gets overturned on appeal. Which is very unlikely

I get that the glacial pace is frustrating for us all, but anyone thinking he’s still the invincible “teflon” Don either doesn’t understand or is oblivious to how powerful prosecutors are. He has 2 outs. Death and winning the election. Anything else doesn’t end well for him

Even those two outs are more than half the deck.


You know the old saying that the only things that are certain are death and Trump winning the election. So cool, 2 outs in a deck with 2 cards.


I mean, you’re not wrong… There are enough morons in this country to vote that POS back in.

Even so. If you woke up tomorrow and found yourself in a spot where it’s 50/50 you lose everything and die in jail, would you consider that as nothing happening to you?

This sounds like a free roll where you’d surely be willing to offer 2 to 1 that he’ll be president on Jan 20, 2025?

We don’t know he’s going to jail

We’ve never seen anything like this.

Even if he loses he likely won’t ever be convicted or serve jail time.

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Looks like we’ve gone from actual consequences to Sklansky consequences.

Also, I don’t think he is 50/50 to come out unscathed. He’s a big favorite. He has other outs too.

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Man who would kill his mother for a dollar loses $80mm seems like an important consequence to him

Yeah he hasn’t paid any of that and he will probably be dead before it happens. So no. It’s not a consequence.

Paid $5mm already.

We don’t know he’s not


This doesn’t logically follow. Please cite the last time someone charged under 4 indictments and 91 felony counts got off Scot free. If it’s ever happened, it can’t be too many

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