Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

In case anyone missed this story, Habba tricked a Trump National employee into taking a crappy settlement after being sexually harassed at work.

Is the woke mind virus transmitted through open wounds?


Even events that “CROSS THE LINE”. LOLOL. That’s really saying something, because for an old white rich guy, that line is north of “dead hooker rolled up in rug”.


I thought of Tracy Chapman, but that song is about something completely different.



I wonder if Trump would agree that Bill Clinton’s exploits fall under merely Crossing The Line.

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yeah. that’s how she auditioned for the job, by fucking over a woman who was sexually assaulted by a manager known to have sexually assaulted people. i guess that’s how you get 2.5 million in fees for being a shit lawyer.


The arithmetic was hard.

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“I’m humping this thing like a young dog on old furniture.”

I think Carville mixed up diseases.

Plenty of tough stuff, like multiplying and dividing.

Real hard. This is actually scary

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Are people really making trump is a dumb person videos still?

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There’s an old joke the punchline of which is, “Sonny, as long as they keep making them, I’ll keep sucking them.”

Could Trump possibly have been outside long enough in Iowa to get a touch of frostbite? Especially on the very fragile skin of his tiny, tiny, hands?

O/U on number of times Trump has been within arms reach of a stove in his entire life has to be set at 0.5, right?


Yeah he delivered newspapers from the back of a chauffeur-driven limo as a kid. He’s not cooking eggs at night

Snap taking the over. Not because I think he cooks, but because he’s definitely charged into the kitchen at one of his hotels to chew out / give a “pep talk” to the staff or to give a tour to one of his buddies.

Maybe he licked ketchup off his fingers before he opened his limo door in the frozen Iowa tundra.

In response to a suggestion that he got blisters playing golf.

I’ve never played golf but I don’t think someone who regularly plays is going to develop blisters from it all of a sudden? Surely he has callouses by now.