Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

This is about as perfect a summary of the Trump situation as can be written.


He’ll do it because that will continue the white way of 1/6, it’ll piss off his enemies and then he’ll have his own little militia running around emboldened.

Yep. You’re never going to get a white nation and democracy at the same time so you have to give up on one of the two.

The white minority theory relies on latino people not being counted as white. I’m in Florida and I have seen quite a bit of blatant racism by latinos towards black people.

I am in favor of replacing white people to protect democracy.





I’m not a constitutional scholar but the reference to the 12th amendment seems odd because it’s about the election process, not qualifications. But if MAGA can count to 12, maybe they can get to 14 too.


lol, I’m sure Ivanka “rushed downstairs” to try and convince her dad to send out a message of peace. Lol, she definitely covered her ass.


Free article.

OMG she was an anchor baby?

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That’s his point, I guess. Don’t think it has anything directly to do with the 12th Amendment though.

A tweet from the author of the article clarifies that it has nothing to do with the 12th Amendment, they’re focused on Article II Section 1

Thank you, President Trump, for sharing this very important piece from the @gatewaypundit discussing an article I wrote about Nikki Haley’s ineligibility to run for President because she is not a natural born citizen under Article II, Section 1, and therefore runs afoul of the Constitution.

They seem blissfully unaware of the 14th Amendment jus soli. Also, the portion of the tweet cut off by the embed is truly chef’s kiss:

This could not have been done without the great investigative work by @LauraLoomer, who uncovered that neither one of Haley’s parents were US citizens when she was born in 1972.

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Wait, did he add 11 and 1 together to get 12th amendment?

She worked tirelessly

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Of course not. But he can get enough of the rubes to believe whatever.

I’m waiting for some conservative scholar to argue that the post civil war amendments aren’t valid because they said so.


This would make an awesome piece of world building for a movie or TV show.

I’d laugh if it weren’t so scary to think of it actually happening.

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no he added II and 1, and got 12.


Loser continues losing.