Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

In that scenario he would totally survive the impeachment


Jefferson Davis was never convicted of anything. Surely the amendment applied to him.

There’s a reason they used the word insurrection and not treason or sedition which have more narrow and specific legal meaning

On February 15, 1869, Jefferson Davis was scheduled to begin his trial in the United States District court in Richmond, Virginia. He was charged with treason against the United States for his part in leading the states in rebellion during the American Civil War, 1861-1865. But instead proceeding with the trial, federal prosecutors entered a “nolle prosequi,” or statement of decision not to prosecute.


Are you actually going to be surprised when Clarence Thomas tells us, “Well actually, since Davis wasn’t convicted of anything, he certainly could have run for President”

Nope, I would have a complete lack of surprise of that from Thomas or Alito in their little concurrence.

Anyway I am not a lawyer but I think the line the conservative majority will use is something like “the president cannot do insurrection while he is president because insurrection means the violent uprising against the government and the president is the government”

It seems like it would be less gymnastics to just say that Trump wimped out and told everyone to go home on Jan 6th and that what he did doesn’t qualify as insurrection and that the fake elector plot was a criminal issue not insurrection.

I don’t know what they’re going to rule, but to me that’s not less mental gymnastics.

I would prefer a standard that wouldn’t allow a red state court or legislature that Black Lives Matter is an insurrectionist movement and candidates linked to it are banished from the ballot.

Someone has to make a determination of whether a candidate engaged in insurrection. It would not surprise me if SCOTUS determines that “someone” should not be a state-level actor.

Debating what the “law says” in the US holds the same factual weight as the fight over how many angles can dance on the head of a pin.

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I’ll give y’all a New Year gift and save you the trouble of guessing at the SC decision:

“blahblah blah Trump can do whatever he wants without ever suffering a meaningful consequence blah blah blah.”

Toss in a spirited and emotional dissent from KBJ or something if you really want.

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I mean it was 4-3 in an all D appointed court and we think SCOTUS is magically gonna come up with 5 votes for it? It’ll be a miracle if they get 1.

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LOL “you can’t do anything to him because he hasn’t been convicted but also you can’t prosecute him because he has immunity”


(It’s all bullshit? Always has been dot jpg)


This is in response to NYT article on prosecutors’ SC immunity filings. Skipping pages 1 and 2,

…Russia, paying off Ukraine to fire an unfriendly prosecutor, allowing millions of people to illegally Enter and Destroy our Country, SURRENDERING in Afghanistan, with Hundreds Dead, many Americans Left Behind, and handing over Billions of Dollars Worth of the Best Military Equipment anywhere on Earth, the Decimation of American Wealth through the Green New Scam, and so much more. REMEMBER, Crooked Joe Biden and his CORRUPT JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, D.A.’s and A.G.’s, has attacked his Political Opponent at a level never seen before in this Country, and wants desperately to PUT “TRUMP” IN PRISON. He is playing a very dangerous game, and the great people of America WILL NOT STAND FOR IT. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!


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The trolling seems to have moved on from Trump stinks to Melania is filing for divorce or whatever. I hope the first comes back in time for the trials because I’m looking forward to exclamations of ODOR IN THE COURT.


He looks terrible.


Darth Hidious




…items, from the January 6th Committee of Political Thugs and Misfits. THIS ACT OF EXTREME SABOTAGE MAKES IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR MY LAWYERS TO PROPERLY PREPARE FOR, AND PRESENT, A PROPER DEFENSE OF THEIR CLIENT, ME. All of the information on Crazy Nancy Pelosi turning down 10,000 soldiers that I offered to to guard the Capitol Building, and beyond, is gone. The ridiculous Deranged Jack Smith case on Immunity, which the most respected legal minds in the Country say I am fully entitled to, is now completely compromised and should be thrown out and terminated, JUST LIKE THE RADICAL LEFT LUNATICS DID TO THE EVIDENCE!

Too bad he didn’t keep a copy of the evidence. It’s gone now.

But didn’t he recently say he was going to release irrefutable proof? He promised a press conference and then… nothing. It’s like he’s just lying to us.

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Just like it.