Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

They sure are getting excited about getting evidence from Trump’s lawyer. Unprecedented! Anybody else remember when Trump’s lawyer (Rudy Giuliani) had his home and office searched by the FBI, providing a treasure trove of evidence that would undoubtedly bury Trump?


I laughed hard. Also reminded me I’m due for my 4th re-watch. Thx

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Trump says FL is 3rd worst on a lot of stuff. Not to defend DeSantis or that anyone cares, but FL is the 3rd largest state by population.


This is definitely gonna be the best LetThemFight.jpg of all time. Donnie is only just getting warmed up.

If I wanted to bet that Donald Trump will be dead by July 15, 2024, would anybody be up for giving me odds?

What kind of odds are we talking about?

Don’t take any action from NotBruceZ


I’ve seen in the range of -120 to +110 for him to win the GOP nomination, which seems crazy to me, I think those odds should be way longer.

I found this in a Quora post, so it’s got to be true.

Trump is already 70, so his life expectancy is higher than at birth because he’s already outlasted the proportion of population that dies before then. His life expectancy at 70 is 85 based on the population averages. Using SSA actuarial tables ( Actuarial Life Table), he has a bit more than 2.5% chance of death for each of the next 4 years. Calculating probability of “lives 4 years” multiply survivor rate of .97 to the 4th power we get about 89% or 11% chance of death.

So I’m really not sure what would be appropriate, wanted to see what somebody might want to offer.

He’s actually 76. So that means whatever it means.

Poor education numbers is funny. Isn’t the point now for right wingers to get to #50?

Huh. Maybe an old post.

I think I’d be happy to bet $100 at +500 on Trump dying before the 2024 GOP convention if that interests anyone.


Booked. I would be happy to pay out here.



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GL LFS. Hope you win. (I suspect Econ would also be fine with that.)


Just saw this. Let me know if you want some more.

Maybe. Trump dying before the convention is potentially terrible. Then DeSantis gets on the ballot and I think he handles Biden easily. Not sure that Trump will.

Don’t care. Gimme that Big Mac Attac

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I’ll take it, but I’d prefer it in September rather than July.

Florida is great! Sun and water! Also, here’s why Florida is horrible.

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Trump nailed the “PR” facade of DeSantis. He’s not even ramping up yet—talking about crime and education, lol?—and I don’t think he will even need to in order to eliminate this clown.

The older you are the higher your mortality rates. But also the more money you have the lower your mortality rates are. Trump’s life expectancy should be quite high because he will have immediate access to the highest quality care if he gets sick.