Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

price is right yodel music


Idk but the elderly prison population is probably growing so I expect the competition is fierce. If you get too frail they might let you out but they still have dudes in their 90s. Or at least they used to.

“38!!” “47!” “61!”

Guess we should have let Manson out in 2014?

Is this menacing? Because it feels menacing.


…sign up as many of those millions of people they are illegally allowing into sour Country, in order that they will be ready to VOTE IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2024.

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Is there some kind of fine print angleshooting going on here? If no, yes has to be the freest money of all time.

ETA: Oh I see, the 3/5 deadline must be what people are banking on here since it resolves to no if they run past it. Pretty sure they’re gonna vote 9-0 in his favor on this though so they probably won’t take that long.

What caused that dip?

If you think that’s bad wait until next year.


3/5 is the deadline because that’s the primary. If SCOTUS is interested in taking the case it should be before then.

no clue, doesn’t look very liquid w/ only $33k wagered.

If we take away the supreme courts fear of being murdered/hounded by MAGA, how much more likely are they to keep Trump off the ballots?

If Roberts was the 5th vote, instead of the 4th vote, how much more likely is he is to keep Trump off the ballot?

Just imagine a world in which they do find to uphold. The Trump nightmare would be over in one fell swoop. Of course, that probably means Biden loses and we’d have a Republican president. Maybe one who would pardon Trump. But there’s no getting out of the GA case. Omg I can dream, can’t I?

Would it? If they uphold, that doesn’t take him off of all ballots, right? Just the states that choose to do that.

Yeah if anything the true nightmare that would be over is republican reign in the House. It may also be a big step towards not getting decimated in the senate. Best outcome is Trump getting the nom but being disqualified from like 10-15 ballots

Calvinball. Sc could rule you cant dq him from any ballot, you can but eqch state has to make that call, or colorados right and all states must kick.

Some State Supreme Courts have ruled that there is no mechanism under state law to remove him. I think that 40% line for SCOTUS to reverse CO is only slightly low, but if Trump loses, the SCOTUS is far more likey to either deny cert or say something like “States are free to observe their election processes” than to send Trump back to Mar a Lago.