Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

What are we talking about? a lawsuit? We’re talking about a lawsuit, man!

We’re talking about a lawsuit! We’re talking about a lawsuit… We ain’t talking about the criminal charges! We’re talking about a lawsuit, man! When you come to Fifth Avenue, and you see me shoot a man… You see me shoot a man, don’t you?

  1. Let’s not forget that “Trump Supporters” includes people like Peter Thiel, Betsy DeVos, and a bunch of other really really rich people. Could they destabilize some banks through a combination of pulling their own money + spreading FUD about the banks to their friends and the companies they invested in? Absolutely. Depending on who you read about what happened at SVB, they may already have…

  2. A lot of the smaller rural areas that you might be thinking about when you say “Trump supporter” are served by smaller regional/community banks. Those banks could be vulnerable to a run if it got enough support from people in that area. I guess the good news there might be that the lack of other convenient banking options might make people unable/unwilling to send their message that way. Also, a smaller bank filled with a greater % of accounts below the standard $250k FDIC threshold is probably less impactful to the overall banking system and therefore less like to cause chaos on Wall St.

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I don’t have time to drive to Florida.

Nothing is ever going to happen.

Why do we still do this

Rich people support Trump

Even the Jan6ers are way way way richer per capita than the rest of the country

I am just wondering if the diehard trumpers who would actually willing to do this would have an impact. Many of the people you mention don’t care enough about trump to muck up their banking flow.

It’s not a matter of who is rich and poor but who would actually take this action if it was initiated.

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Not a cult. At all.


True but still idiotic to think they would have the capital to make anything look remotely like a bank run.

You’re right, none of the billionaires support Trump, and 35% of the country is not enough people to do a bank run


download (49)

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Love that without organized labor, their best idea is a bank run on their own banks rofl


Maybe they can set their houses on fire to do an insurance company run. That’ll show 'em!




From Reddit

There’s a recording of the caller:
“People, they call me up and they say there’s a bomb in the building. Could be. A lot of people are saying it. They’re saying it’s the best bomb. A tremendous bomb. Yuge.”



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Billionaires are not going to involved in this silly bank run idea. It’s a bunch of middle income white dudes taking out their $25k. :grinning:


I wonder if there are any of the “Is today Ted Danson’s birthday?” style twitter accounts but for Trump being arrested?

Just 7 years straight of daily “Today Donald Trump was not arrested” tweets that go viral whenever Trump breaks the law in broad daylight.

94 billionaires who donated to Trump (obv doesn’t count all the possible ways they donated, just direct contributions with their names on it)