Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

They tried with Arnie. Trump is a lot of things but one of them is entertaining. If they’d just given him his own late night talk show to babble on about nonsense and meet celebrities none of this would have happened. Honestly it still might work.

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Is he, though? He was barely in the show. He would talk to the contestants at the beginning and then sit there like a schlub at the end and make some dumb decision. 90% of the show was the contestants.

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Sure because he’s a lazy asshole. But even with that tiny screen time he resonated. Just listen to any 00s rap song. Trump was the go to reference for rich businessman.


A lawyer for Mr. Trump, Alina Habba, praised the appellate court after the Thursday hearing and quickly took advantage of the development.
Ms. Greenfield “is in the judge’s ear time and time again,” Ms. Habba said. “If she had a real threat, she should get off the bench.”


But Donald, it’s fake news.

In better for Trump news, GA prosecutors are requesting an August '24 start date for that trial. Late date is due to judge in FL screwing them over with dates for the documents case.

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And we’re back to bad news.


He is very entertaining. Sad but true.

Not exactly Aragorn at the Black Gate.






Legit lold

honestly I don’t even want to plastic surgery shame, I say go ahead, be an eerie socialite and fuck up your face and then when your kids are born with your congenital chin and hemophilia B you’ll just have to sit there feeling embarrassed for them until their fourteenth birthday when they can get their first hand transplant and begin the trump family pilgrimage to the uncanny valley. I just posted that because I was surprised at all the smart folks upthread arguing that it was maybe just the camera angle, sorry occam but it was not the camera angle so much as the 1950s file cabinet she had implanted in the florida of her face


You may be right, but not sure you’re invoking Occam correctly there. Or you’re dismissing it too easily. Camera tricks are a lot simpler than surgery.

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—not for the trumps
—she’s had multiple chin surgeries before
—look at her


-Camera works on everyone
-If she’s had chin surgery before it probably makes it less likely that she would do it again. A good surgeon is going to do something that won’t require another surgery later. Surely she has access to a good one.
-I’m looking

added a link to my prior post about some camera stuff.

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—we know he owned a razor

Do we?

I’m not saying you’re definitely wrong. I’m just saying it’s not as clear cut as you make it seem.

fair enough man I’m tapping out and I think we’re both comfortable where we’re landing, i.e. you can be on the team of wildlife photographers who see an astonishing picture and think gosh this picture of ivanka trump’s crazy frozen trump steak chin is perhaps most simply explained as a classic example of the optical illusions that be caused by a camera, and I’ll be on the team of people who see that picture and think ahahahaha she did it again what a silly and literal blockhead, and then in the name of due diligence proceed to invest eight or nine seconds google imaging “ivanka trump chin” and sorting by recency and right away finding nine thousand pictures of her from that same day from every angle known to euclid in order to feel sufficiently confident that yes, she had more chin work done, and yes, this time the picture she brought in to her surgeon wasn’t a headshot of barbie or eva braun but was just a still life of a diesel engine block


Of course I did that as well with slightly different search terms. I’m pretty sure that if we picked like 20 photos and just cropped the chin and neck (the nose is more different from a couple years ago, imo) and asked you to identify before and after, I doubt you go 20 for 20. It’s a difficult bet to construct for a variety of reasons, so after thinking about it for 5 min, I decided it was fruitless and as you suggest, we’ll both have to be comfortable where we land.

To be clear, I’m not saying that she definitely didn’t have chin surgery. It just tough to be as confident as you apparently are.