Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Boomer was by far my favorite character. I’m still pissed off about what they did to her.

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This is on purpose.

Which part?

IIRC the actress Grace Park was in the cult NXIVM for a while, though it’s unclear what her involvement was. She left before shit really hit the fan. Some deep dive reading out there for trivia connoisseurs.

Boomer was abused by humans and cyclons. And then Athena, who has a lot of those memories, just blows her away. That’s messed up.

I read a little about the cult stuff. Park seemed to have got out before the really weird stuff started iirc.

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Wtf are all you people talking about?



I was old enough to see OG Battlestar as a cheap Star Wars rip-off. I thought Boomer and Starbuck being women in the reboot was a silly and hopeless attempt to get women to watch. I didn’t watch. I only saw it when streaming became a thing and then I binged it until I couldn’t stay awake. I’m tempted to rewatch but it would suck knowing what happens to Boomer.

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This perspective gives me hope that a Gobots reboot might actually be good if someone tried to do that.


The dream or whatever sequences threw me off on the new version and I quit. My son was into it big time. I may go back.

I was 13 when the OG came out. Star Wars ripoff was good enough for me.


Those two in the above pic literally look like B movie versions of Lando and Han lol it’s hard not to see it.

The new series was far better than it had any right to be. Every episode was like a new take on Manchurian Candidate. And they were all good! Some very profound discussions on identity and immortality.

Later seasons are great but the first season especially is OP. Haven’t been that addicted to “just one more episode” since something like early Lost and Dexter.

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And now in the classified documents case even the law pundits are acknowledging the success of delays, conceding it won’t be until after the election

So the big legal victory before the 2024 election will be whatever fine he gets from the current fraud proceedings?

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I assume he can put off any severe consequences of the fraud trial through appeal processes and then have his way if he wins re-election. He also seems to be prepping a plan B if he loses. Get ready for Stop the Steal 2: The Even Wilder Insurrection.

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lol, incredible set of checks and balances we have in this country, get caught red-handed with some of the most sensitive military secrets on Earth and maybe you get got ~six years later. Unless you win a presidential election, then it’s all moot.



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Sternly worded letters all around!

Stand by for some shit.

Sure this all makes total sense


If anyone wanted Trump to be convicted of something in such a way that he would be unable to run in 2024, that was an unreasonable expectation. Former heads of government in other countries do get convicted of crimes they committed while in office (or before), but it often still takes time. Here are a few:

Nicolas Sarkozy, president of France until 2012, convicted of corruption in 2021
Francois Fillon, prime minister of France until 2012, convicted of fraud in 2020
Charles Taylor, president of Liberia until 2003, convicted of crimes against humanity in 2012
Chun Doo-hwan, president of South Korea until 1998, convicted of treason in 1996
Joseph Estrada, president of the Philippines until 2001, convicted of corruption in 2007
Ehud Olmert, prime minister of Israel until 2009, convicted of bribery in 2014
Viktor Yanukovych, president of Ukraine until 2014, convicted (in absentia) of treason in 2019

Some criminal politicians were convicted in less time, some never convicted, but it’s not like criminal prosecutions against Trump would necessarily happen much faster if this were a different country.

There’s some combination about lack of historical perspective and need for instant gratification that makes some people panic that things aren’t progressing the way they want. Trump could still get away with everything and it would be silly to prematurely proclaim that everything so far means “we got him”, but we are still well within the range of how things would be expected to go if he ends up being convicted of something.


I put og battlestar with buck Rogers in the 25th century.


NBC should just let Trump reboot The Apprentice


NBC should reboot it without Trump. He’d be so distracted by that he’d forget about president stuff.