Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Didn’t Forbes just effectively show Weisselberg was lying under oath the other day? They even stopped the trial or took a recess (IANAL) or whatever to decide how to proceed with a liar on the stand. These scumbags are never fully flipped, I can’t believe there are still reactions from lawfolks like “Trump’s REALLY fucked now” etc. whenever these flips occur. Weisselberg is currently being a mendacious weasel in court, and doesn’t anyone remember Manafort jerking prosecutors around for what seemed like years (after he “flipped”)? This mass of law pundits really throwing their backs into amplifying the swings of WE GOT HIM to AH WELL NEVERTHELESS over and over has got me again focused solely on seeing the news that Trump not only receives a proper punishment, but begins serving it (LOL hopes and dreams).


How hard is it to put a contingency into these pleas. “You will testify exactly to what you are telling us right now or your plea will be rescinded.” Is that not a thing?

I think they call that a proffer and the prosecutor referred to it during the hearing.

Prosecutors should say they are seeking probation rather than jail time for Trump, citing his age and apparent mental decline.

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My understanding from years of television law shows is that if you fuck around in your testimony you lose your deal.



This calls for a photoshop of Trump as the gimp in This is the End.



I’m really struggling to figure out the strategy on both sides. I was amazed when Chesebro declined a plea offer and I’m simultaneously amazed that it was still on the table this morning

I get giving Powell one because while her claims were outrageous, loud and popular, she wasn’t likely instrumental in the actual planning to overturn the election. Chesebro however, was! Is their goal really to get the one and only Trump?!

in other words he blatantly violated the gag order and got

another warning

whoever is running that account on truth social responded by posting him alongside jesus and alongside cops laughing at the judge

it’s lock him up or shut up time judge

Trump’s lawyer said the stuff on the campaign website was inadvertently left up after the Truth post was taken down. Judge said Trump still responsible, so taking him at his word for the moment, he has to impose some sanction sufficient to get Trump’s attention. Won’t be jail, but something. Will he? :man_shrugging:

Seeing commentary that this

1 allows DA to keep her hand concealed for now

2 encourages moar flipping

3 this particular plea includes charges that include DJT as part of the conspiracy

I had to register to read this thing, but it’s by Toobin and is by far the best article on Cheesebro’s odd background.

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Not much, but think of it this way: it’s gotta be like a month’s worth of Diet Coke.


These judges are like Squeak from BASEketball.

I swear if you guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times…I’m outta here! straight to jail.


Edit: quoted the wrong post wasn’t responding to wheatrich

Not a lawyer or anyway related to trial law, but I would surmise that from the prosecutor’s perspective, if both Powell and Chesebro plead guilty then there is no opportunity for the defense to cross examine all of the evidence in a sort of “practice trial” for Trump.

No one else went for the speedy trial option so there is no first trial for the defense to learn from or use to get evidence excluded or otherwise get time to counter until it is presented in court. I know they have discovery but I think it is different to have a court case played out 6 months ago for the same events as to be going through discovery.


I think the judge should place him under house arrest with an ankle bracelet, and if he tries to leave the property the bracelet will start blaring at 100 decibels: “YOU’RE THE PUPPET…YOU’RE THE PUPPET…YOU’RE THE PUPPET…”

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