Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

It’s happening? Gif?

I think it’s more

It’s happening? Lol?

Figures this would come down on the luckiest day of the year.

guise should I get out my checkbook?

Will concede I’m probably losing the bet to Iron after he suckered me into amending it from fed indictment to any (state) indictment. Don’t think there’d be this much buzz (sigh) if it wasn’t going to happen, and whoever does it will be a left celeb for a long time (despite ridiculously increasing the risk to themselves/their family).

But perp walk, mugshot, jail? Yeah no. He will/might be indicted in GA or NY. If he doesn’t go there and isn’t extradited it means nothing.

Reminds me a lot of 1st impeachment though. We all knew it wouldn’t come to anything of substance, but obviously the correct thing to do, justice wise. And, same results.

We got him?

Maybe we need a last longer bet

securities fraud-ish.

That wasn’t me, the only bet I recall is on Biden being impeached.

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The shame he must feel about it certainly is punishment enough.

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We got him


Are the deplorables going to try to start a mob riot in Manhattan Tuesday, or will they be too terrified to go into a Democrat Run Hellscape like Manhattan?

Well they didn’t seem to be too scared to go to DC

They aren’t going to do anything like we aren’t doing anything

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They’ll fingerprint him for 5 mins then it will be on appeal until he dies in 2038

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Ah, well, nevertheless.

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I refuse to give clicks to the NY Post, so here’s another source


Er, that was me and I don’t feel I suckered you. Everyone was going on about how he’ll never be indicted and I simply asked for anyone to put their money where their mouth was. Also, I haven’t won this bet yet. But don’t worry, even if I do, I’ll give your charity a chance with a new federal indictment wager. However, this time, I’ll require some conditions (such as death being a push, etc.). In the meantime, wanna go double or nothing on a GA indictment? :grin:


I can’t possibly see him being held on bail, but if it were possible, he’s definitely giving them food for thought by inciting violence


I agree. This is nothing more than MSM fishing for ratings/clicks. It’s irresponsible imo