Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

It got Jared his $2B from the Saudis. Now that’s a grift!

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I would agree that Trump is afraid of humiliation. That’s why he’s usually so conscious of his appearance. His hair and makeup are huge for him. He’d rather be criticized for failing to attend a war remembrance ceremony than for having bad hair, and he has literally made that decision.


He should play on the masters tournament.

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Well you and beetle aren’t posting about his weight now are you? :thinking:

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No thanks to anything you’re inviting into discussion

Identity shaming itt

Is it too late to vote?

No I mean Stable Genius masterfully figured out a way to get people to stop talking about his much-larger-than-215 lb ass!


My guess is that he’s using PAC/campaign funds, and it’s a cleaner transaction to just expense the bond cost rather than figure out how to do it as a loan.

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Apologies for linking, but this guy is live tweeting the hearing on the Jan 6 case right now

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March 4 2024 trial date for Fed Jan 6 charges!



Super Tuesday is March 5


Good. Let’s get the “conservatives” firmly on record as they vote for “civil war.”

Wall to wall coverage of Trump’s trial and Super Tuesday will make the insanity of voting for Trump apparent to everyone who is not MAGA.

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Giving free airtime to Trump seems fraught with peril.

Meadows on the stand in pretrial hearing to remove GA charges to Federal court

so he wants it sooner? Date is over 6 months from now.

Wants it moved to federal court