Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

It was a joke

I agree that you’re arguing with people who are irrational about this subject

We got him

Asked about the investigation outside the DA’s office at 12:30 p.m., Weisselberg told The Daily Beast that “something has changed and it’s up-leveled.

Upleveled! Pog

Trump did 9/11, one time dealer.


All so he could have the tallest building.


Bigger than money. They’ve moved on from Trump, they’re going to indict God.

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Can a misspelling be used to deny a claim of defamation?
BC he probably got it right when he wrote the check.

He seems a bit hot under the collar.

Holy shit. You’re all doomed! Thank you very much.

I would like to wish a happy Women’s History Month to all the horsefaces out there.


He should be pissed at his “lighting” guy.

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They’re going to do a press conference where they Hereby Declare that they are OFFICIALLY opening the proceedings to propose to decide on whether they will consider if they should ask the appropriate official to approve the next step.

This will be hailed by Lawbros as a landmark achievement in the legal profession that proves No One Is Above The Law.

Meanwhile, Donnie Dumb Dumb will publicly admit to like 10 crimes in the time it takes you to read this poast. Rinse and repeat.


If nothing else. That’s a lot of conspiracies.

Oh gee, look at that, another investigation shelved and going nowhere:

WASHINGTON — House Republicans have quietly halted a congressional investigation into whether Donald J. Trump profited improperly from the presidency, declining to enforce a court-supervised settlement agreement that demanded that Mazars USA, his former accounting firm, produce his financial records to Congress.

Representative James R. Comer, Republican of Kentucky and the chairman of the Oversight and Accountability Committee, made clear he had abandoned any investigation into the former president’s financial dealings — professing ignorance about the inquiry Democrats opened when they controlled the House — and was instead focusing on whether President Biden and members of his family were involved in an influence-peddling scheme.

“I honestly didn’t even know who or what Mazars was,” said Mr. Comer, who was the senior Republican on the oversight panel during the last Congress, while Democrats waged a lengthy legal fight over obtaining documents from the firm.

“What exactly are they looking for?” Mr. Comer added in a brief statement to The New York Times on Monday. “They’ve been ‘investigating’ Trump for six years. I know exactly what I’m investigating: money the Bidens received from China.”

Enforcement of a court-supervised settlement agreement made with one Congress during a subsequent Congress under new leadership remains a legally murky gray area. Mazars had continued to produce documents even after the House changed hands into Republican control, but a judge would be unlikely to enforce the settlement if the parties involved were no longer interested in enforcement, according to lawyers in both parties.

LOL, according to the lawyers, sure. The article quotes Raskin claiming Comer’s been working with Trump’s lawyers the whole time to ultimately stop this, which I 100% believe. Of course Comer denies.

Democrats fought in court for years to get financial documents from Mr. Trump’s former accounting firm, and only last year — after entering into a court-ordered settlement — began receiving the documents and gaining new insights into how foreign governments sought influence using the Trump International Hotel. The company has been delivering the documents to the committee in batches.

And there’s the lesson learned long ago: delay, delay, delay. It has never failed Trump.

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Good. I’m actually rooting that he doesn’t get indicted on anything before J6 or GA. IDGAF about taxes, bank fraud, or payments to porn stars and doubt anyone else does either. Insurrection, obstruction, and strong arming an elected official to find votes are the important things for him to go down on.

Edit: I read that too quickly and thought it was just more tax fraud stuff. Nailing him on profiting from his presidency is worth doing. The rest isn’t imo

I believe this has some significance for our problem.

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Even if Trump Media and its officers face no criminal exposure for the transactions, the optics of borrowing money from potentially unsavory sources through opaque conduits could cloud Trump’s image as he seeks to recapture the White House in 2024.


Optics. Funny stuff.

He fucked a guy named Danials didnt he?

Yeah he had a threesome with the directors


c’mon Guardian. Not you too.