Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Also might be some concern that he can’t come up with it

Smith response to Trump team request to start J6 trial in 20never.

In service of a proposed trial date in 2026 that would deny the public its right to a speedy trial, the defendant cites inapposite statistics and cases, overstates the amount of new and non-duplicative discovery, and exaggerates the challenge of reviewing it effectively. For the reasons below, neither the discovery nor any other factor raised by the defense impedes a fair trial on the schedule proposed by the Government.


I’m not sure if I’m the last person on this website who was like this, but at one point I was an officer at my church. Not an Evangelical, an Episcopalian. Nonetheless, I looked at that man and thought he was a terrible menace.

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CNN reporting Trump will surrender at Fulton County Jail on Thursday

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I’m confused, isn’t Episcopalian/ Anglican / Church of England really progressive and pro LGBT stuff and thus anti Trump? They are here in Canada

Well…yeah. It’s more or less like that. But there are certainly regressive elements too.

Makes sense from a PR perspective. Even if one of his opponents does well in the debate on Wed, Trump will break up their positive news cycle.

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wait, that’s the kid you want to shoot out of all of them?

Total waste of bullets in any rate but if you’re gonna pick one you’re gonna have to explain that


Remember this law passed back in May?

Well it’s still in play but also this happened


how cucked is this guy that he’s submitting to the fake authority of a fake judge who is a puppet for fake president fake joe fake biden? he should simply refuse.



he’s thought about it


never to be seen or heard from again

trump, you can even get the libs to pay for that trip if you want

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It’s 7 years. How any single person is surprised by this blows my mind.

no matter how obvious something is, a bunch of people have NO idea

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Sounds to me like he’s laying out his plan publicly.

No bail!

I love this shit. Michael Cohen on Trump not paying co-conspirators’ legal bills:

"Donald is an idiot…he is truly an idiot. He has not learned yet that the last person you want– three people that you don’t want to throw under the bus like that: your lawyer, your doctor, and your mechanic. Because, one way or the other, you’re gonna go down the hill and there’ll be no brakes.”

Um, dipshit, he’s had the best brakes on earth his entire life. He’s almost 80 fucking years old. Oh no, maybe he’ll finally piss off the wrong person and get got right before he dies.