Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


They are all Trump voters, so definitely.

But this directly refutes by he grand juror who said “if the entire country we what we knew, we would be a lot less divided.”

Yo, the poll subtext is these people are supporting Trump even more than before because he has been indicted.

Among the no’s, you’ve got a subset of people who support him despite the criminal charges (but don’t support him even more because of the charges), and another subset of people who will not support him because of the criminal charges. I would guess the former group is a (much) bigger subset than the latter.

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I don’t understand the question.

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“Is showing your support during his legal fights a reason you’re considering voting for Trump?” is how I interpret it.

I agree with that interpretation and I still don’t understand the question.


They were not going to vote for Trump but now that the government is unfairly bullying him, they changed their minds and will vote for him to spite the DOJ.

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CNN is showing an episode of “The Whole Story” about the Georgia indictment. Seems pretty well done so far.

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I think it’s mainly that they want their audience to infer the corollary: If Trump is convicted, is the vote of Trump supporters going somewhere else? (mostly, probably, maybe)

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Rivkin represented former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in a lawsuit by JosĂ© Padilla, who said he was tortured while in custody; he also helped “craft legal strategy for the State of Texas as it fights federal proposals on health care and environmental regulation”.

Sounds like a great guy. I hope he gets hit by a bus tomorrow.

Getting hired by Trump would be worse.



They should arrange for some kind of “Super Tuesday” where they can kick off three of these at once.


They could build one giant courtroom and trump could be in the middle on a giant lazy Susan that turns him from trial to trial.

Someone mspaint that stat



That is just unadulterated insanity.


Get Disney to make it. Call it The Carousel of Justice.


That’s a pretty fucked up Family Feud poll.


I’ve posted about this before, but the GOP’s movement from evangelical Christianity to a secular personality cult is one of the more curious political developments of my lifetime.

Same picture?