Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


Is Guantanamo still open?


Trumpā€™s defense is going to be others tweeted and dmed on his behalf without his knowledge.


Yeah, most of that list is superfluous nonsense.

He isnā€™t going to be out of jail pending appeals post-conviction, for example.

If he is convicted he is going to jail, and not passing Go.

The notion that the secret service is going to intervene and somehow nullify a jail sentence is very ambitious.

Imagine if MAGA guys rescue Trump from the court house upon conviction in a HEAT style shoot out and take him to a Wako style compound.

Heā€™a entitled to protection for the rest of his life under current law, but it seems like the Secret Service, which is part of the Department of Homeland Security and ultimately the executive branch, has some discretion over how to provide the protection.

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Biden, not exactly a firebrand, would absolutely relish Trump being put behind bars.

It seems clear that the political establishment that wants to ā€œcome togetherā€ views Trump as a one-off mistake that they all want wiped off the board. Fuck, Mike Pence probably is cool with Trump in prison. I think the ā€œcentrist Demsā€ are too.


Maybe so, but he wonā€™t be sitting on the beach while the Court goes through its laborious motions.

Everyone knows that US elections have been rigged from Kennedyā€™s day, maybe before idk. The difference now is that the main parties are more polarised and more eager to throw the Pres into jail, and data on riggage is easier to obtain or fabricate.

Iā€™m all for it really. If there was any justice theyā€™d have all been locked up by The Hague anyway.

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It is a rich irony that the ā€œah, well, neverthelessā€ crew continues to conveniently forget how, during the most significant moment of Trumpā€™s political career, the exact opposite of what they all thought would happen happened: Trump didnā€™t scramble the national guard, commandeer state courts and legislatures (which unanimously hammered his ass), nor gain any succor from his appointed Justices.

They just never learn.


What do you mean by ā€œriggedā€?

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This is peak politics nerdbro stuff. Guys, we put a man on the moon with maybe a fraction of what we spend on prisons in this insane police state of ours, we as the wealthiest nation on earth can easily find a way to keep a single inmate from getting shived during lunch. You could literally build an entire mini-prison just for Trump, the industrial-prison complex has the resources for this job.


Build that clear prison cell that they put Magneto in.


This what theyā€™d need to do, and they could, but they wonā€™t. Easier to slap an ankle bracelet on him and send him to Mar A Lago.

Iā€™ve never grunched so much in my life. The defeatistism on display ITT is astounding

Secret Service- It is far easier to protect someone in the secure environment of a prison than almost anywhere else you care to name

Setting a precedent of prosecuting future presidents- Stop falling for GOP narratives and pause to understand the difference between a bullshit investigation and an actual prosecution. If they have the goods to bring Biden (or any future Dem POTUS) to trial and convict him by a jury of his peers, then guess what? GO AHEAD! The difference between us and them is that weā€™re not hypocritical hyperbolists. Weā€™re okay with prosecuting criminals

Civil War- Iā€™m so sick of hearing this. Almost no one has been showing up in protest over his last few indictments. And if they want to start a civil war then bring it. We canā€™t avoid doing the right thing out of fear that it will bring violence from the other side. At some point you just gotta say fuck them

What I do know is that all this fear mongering and defeatist attitudes from our side only gives the other side the illusion of strength. We are right. This former president was (and still is) the most criminal in the history of our nation and continues to be the biggest danger weā€™ve ever faced. Stop being so fucking weak all of you!



Hypothetically if Trump becomes president from jail the military is there on inauguration day to bust him out of prison, right? I assume blackhawk helicopters with machine guns will mow down every guard in the prison and heā€™ll walk out of there a free man.

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I know Iā€™ve said this before but this might legitimately be the dumbest post Iā€™ve read on this site.

Iā€™ll snap bet if he is convicted he doesnā€™t go right to jail.

Winning the election is a pretty crucial part of the gameplan here.

I donā€™t know if this has already been posted, but the mandatory minimum associated with Georgiaā€™s RICO statute does not imply mandatory prison time:

A felony racketeering conviction includes a sentence of five to 20 years. It can be a sentence solely of probation, of prison time or a mixture of both.