Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

She did really dumb shit last time she had a Trump case. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Not sure of your point.

I think they got him on tape acknowledging he knew better and 0% they put him on the stand.

Counselor, could you be there?

Jack Smith, ā€œTriumph?! Over what, over whom?ā€

Right. She made some terribly incompetent rulings, which the 11th district promptly overruled. Iā€™m not sure sheā€™s even presided over a federal trial yet. The notion that some novice judge is going to thwart the case of a seasoned federal prosecutor like Jack Smith and his team is laughable. Iā€™m sure he has contingencies for every possibility and is 100 steps ahead of everyone. Have some trust

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Lolololol word for word what Lawbros said about Mueller for 3 years


How hard do you think this is to do?

To be fair, Smith is streets ahead of Mueller since he actually issued an indictment


The dudeā€™s name is Jack Smith?

Writers havenā€™t been trying for so many years now

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The trial for that one is scheduled to start March 25, 2024.

Smith has a pulse. Mueller died about 2015.

His middle name is Luman, so at least they went for some creativity thereā€¦ Maybe that part was written by chatGPT

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I am quite curious if Donny will be able to wriggle his way out of this one. Weā€™ll see.

I mean the truth is a boring sort of ā€œit dependsā€ as usual. There are some checks and balances to keep Cannon from just doing whatever the fuck she wants, but there are also plenty of angles for her to shoot, like granting endless stays until Trump gets re-elected or drops dead.

It might not be as easy as past wriggles but heā€™ll find a way.

Mueller was shut down by his boss who was hand picked specifically to shut him down. Jack Smith doesnā€™t have that problem.

That said, heā€™ll probably blow it for different reasons.


get over it, dude

boring af, played out

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Concern over whether Mueller would find enough evidence (and/or whether heā€™d take action against a sitting potus even if he did), was legitimate. But itā€™s an entirely different set of circumstances now, the biggest of which, is that indictments have been brought!

Fwiw, you never heard me espouse much faith in Mueller. For one thing, I never bought into all the hype that they were gonna nail him on collision. For another, I knew about the DoJ memo that said they wonā€™t indict a sitting president no matter what. We are in a completely different universe now. You yourself said that Smith seems legit. They have him dead to rights. Itā€™s over for Trump

A MAGAt winning the 2024 presidential election

Those are Trumpā€™s only outs. We should be laser focused on crushing the next election cycle and not playing right into Trumpā€™s hands that heā€™s invincible imo

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Looking forward to the next Presidential Inauguration taking place in the Mar A Lago ballroom because Trump is on house arrest.


At some point I think we need to trust that the DoJ knows what theyā€™re doing. They have >95% successful conviction rate at trial. Theyā€™re NOT going to take the unprecedented step of indicting a former president of the United States unless they think these odds are even higher

These guys donā€™t throw darts blindfolded. They knew of the chance Cannon could be assigned. They know a more favorable jury pool could be had in D.C. Yet they chose this avenue for a reason and that reason wasnā€™t so they could have a better chance to lose this case. Also, itā€™s my understanding that he held out a charge or two that could still be tried in D.C. if all else fails. I say we chill and watch the process play out