Do we want an Arts & Entertainment category?

Thoughts? Is it better to keep more content in the Chitchat Category or open a new Entertainment Category for TV, movies, music, books, art, etc? Remember you can always change your vote by clicking Show vote and voting again as long as the signature on the envelope matches.

Do we want a new category for entertainment threads?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters




I’m okay with it I guess (“Arts & Entertainment?”) but maybe we should ask if this is even the question we should be asking.

When I log in, it’s kind of cumbersome to my eyes for the politics and sports and entertainment threads to be all mixed together like it’s the 1980s and bussing is still a thing, especially on mobile. Aesthetically I think it would be way better, if slightly less convenient, to require that extra click to enter the main category and then have all the threads together. It would end up requiring less scrolling in the long run I think. Like have the site pre-filter it for us like most other boards do.

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Let’s just make a sub forum for every Trivial Pursuit category


So it looks like this went ahead. I guess we should change the description of the Sundry Chitchat category now?


For anything but Politics, Sports or Arts

This is using shortened versions of the full category names, use of which is kind of clunky:

For anything but Politics & News, Sports & Other Games or Arts & Entertainment

P.S. I would prefer to use the serial/Oxford comma here, but the existing description didn’t use it, and I seem to have misplaced my Unstuck Politics Style Guide, so who knows which is correct for this forum anyway?


Sensible, Person, Esquire

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Change your “Default Home Page” preference to “Categories”.

hmm I saw that option after reading your post and I made that change, but at least on desktop it looks exactly the same as before