Do we need a wiki post for acronyms, slang, references, and in-jokes?

As a community with a long history, this forum has built up a shared language. I suggested in the Trump thread that we could use some sort of wiki post that users can edit to explain these things and got at least one person to agree. As someone who would take extended breaks from 2+2, both voluntary and involuntary, I was sometimes confused by the new meta upon coming back.

I know discourse has some sort of wiki post feature that lets users of sufficient trust level edit it, which I think would help newbies understand references.


I think this is a good idea. There’s a ton of poker related terminology just for starters. I’m talking about things words like level, tilt, etc. Some of them have crossed into common terminology and can be explained with a google search (like tilt) but certainly not all of them.

The one I use the most is IMO, IMO. IMO = in my opinion.

I support it. We already have WAAF and WIM WIL being asked about. Grunching / grunch could be explained etc etc.

Firmly in favour.

Would be good if we could pile them in this OP

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That kind of thread would not be as out of place as, let’s say a lathe in a living room.

Yes, ldo! ;)

LDO = Like Duh Obviously :roll_eyes:

I use ldo irl, probably a leak iyam.

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