Discussions About Theories of International Relations Such as Realism


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The UK wasn’t imperialistic either, they just needed more natural resources.

There’s no contradiction here at all. He’s talking about appeasement when a state’s vital national interests are infringed on. John doesn’t think that what sphere of influence Ukraine is in is of vital national interest to the US. Otherwise you’d have to think that Mearsheimer thinks that all aggression everywhere has to be met with US force of arms, which obviously isn’t his position. The first step in this analysis is figuring out when and where the US should fight and die to prevent aggression. That is, where our vital national interests lie.

where do you think measchearmer can get his apology?

From people like you or McFaul who either don’t understand what he’s saying or willfully misrepresent it? Obviously he’ll never get one.

mcfaul just brought up a pretty lengthy comment straight from the book. not even a comment or a response.

Everyone can decide for themselves what they think US national interests should be. The exact same people who now think that Ukraine is a vital national interest of the US thought that invading Iraq was a great idea and that spending 20 years in Afghanistan was a good idea. They’ve made mistakes before, not sure why blindly following neocons like Joe Biden and Vicky Nuland and John Bolton is a good idea.

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Do you understand why that comment isn’t some sort of contradiction?

not a contradiction at all as far as what i thought of measchmear.

Right, my point is that you’re being willfully ignorant, to the point of not even being able to correctly spell his name.

Do you think that argument will sway people who personally were against the Iraq war but support Ukraine?

That’s not the purpose of my point. Wookie is saying that I should just listen to the US government and trust them on what the US national interest ought to be. I think pointing out that the same people who are the biggest Ukraine hawks also thought invading Iraq was a great idea goes a long way in showing that sort of appeal to authority should be roundly rejected. Even by people who support the US involvement in the Ukraine war.

This is simply dishonest.

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How’s that?

Wookie didn’t say that.

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Go on…

I mean… yeah exactly he didn’t say that. Your response to that question was that these are the same people who got us into Iraq. Which isn’t exactly compelling.

It’s especially absurd because you’ve been super wrong about a lot of stuff on this topic, and presumably the same type of argument would apply to you

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Well anyone who actually reads the posts above can see that you’re being absurd.

What was I super wrong about on this subject?

I think the US government is a rock solid source on what their policy and interest is. That is different from what the US government interest should be. But I thought we were discussing realism here, not pie in the sky, why-can’t-we-all-just-get-along liberalism.


It’d probably be a mistake to start off on the assumption that the US government always lies…