some hints on my three:
Going out for drinks becomes a zany road trip.
hint: at the end they find a good watering hole
Old dudes and a kid get what they deserve, or maybe not, and who cares?
hint: old dudes and a Kid
Friends sit around talking about airplane food, sucks man but that’s life.
no hint for this one
nope, in mine they’re thirstier
ah good guess but no
hint two: the main old dudes are two retirees and an amateur carpenter
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy?
Woman works hard and gets promotion. Roll credits.
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Baseball is both boring and no fun at all.
Literary classic as if dressed up for modern audiences.
Kid plays piano, shits in bathtub, loses mind, grows up, plays piano some more, but now people like him.
another great guess but no
hint two: the ride ends up being round-trip and they end up back at their local watering hole
Is this Diner? (I think Reiser had a bit on airline food that may or may not have been in the movie)
nope, in mine much of the conversation happens in the plane
Veteran disagrees with his mother about who should become president.
The Manchurian Candidate?