Describe your favorite movie as boringly as possible

:) nope

Sophie’s choice

Empire Strikes Back?

lol, the only reason i instantly recognized the Scopes trial was because I did an entire high school history project about it (it was a semester-long thing, including debate and a bunch of research)

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Too obvious or too obscure?

Lieutenant clashes with superiors, woos older woman.



Officer and a Gentleman

nop. i’m being a smart ass

This is a little bit of an obscure one but always good for a laugh.


I feel like Joe Biden in a debate. So close, but brain . . .fogging . . . over.

This was suppose to be groundhog day. Which is not that much different then 50 first dates apparently

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Wrath of Khan?

ETA: Meeeeeebbbbbbbbbbbbbb!

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Man feels out of place with the passing of time while dealing with a persistent problem.

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Man concerned when coworker receives an unexpected box via delivery.

Forrest Gump?

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No but good guess