Depp v Heard

A thread for discussing the Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard trial and its outcome.

We have a verdict, but we do not have a compensatory damages form filled out!

Depp wins 15m per the twitters.

I never bothered to defend my take, but I’ll take my bow now. I won’t be responding to the responses to this post either because I profoundly do not care just like I profoundly didn’t care the last time.

Some day people are going to realize that defending shitty people because they’re ‘on our side’ is fucking dumb. She was a UN something or other on domestic violence lol. Basically nobody bothered to check a single detail of any of her story at any point. This is obvious because she’s a compulsive liar with a personality disorder. And I ought to know I was raised by people just like her. Depp skeeves me out too. He’s way too cuddly with way too many dirtbags (the ex wife he just successfully sued absolutely included) to have clean hands.

I steadfastly refuse to learn about this case, but this makes me think goofy is right:


I don’t really think there’s a takeaway from this other than they were both horribly dysfunctional people that had a sad, abusive relationship.


I’m really curious what happened in the jury room. I feel that these defamation lawsuits seem like a leak in the system in that they seem to really be slanted towards playing up people’s attitude towards someone rather than the facts and the rewards on them are astronomical. I’m thinking of Gawker in the same vein

Name one fact that was on her side. You guys are being lazy and outsourcing your opinions to people who got it wrong the first time and refused to look at it again when new facts surfaced. Literally two layers of lazy going on here.

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Gawker deserved to get got too. That was a demonstrable case of shitty people picking the wrong victim (who is also a piece of shit) and getting ruined for it.

Even the thing they did to piss of the billionaire was a super shitty thing to do that almost everyone on this board would think was awful lol. So that guy waited until they did something that was absolutely absurdly over the line and demolished them over it.

Some of you think that bad people are literally never in the right. Unfortunately bad people bounce off each other all the time.


I haven’t had an informed opinion on any of this and I’m not going to start now.


Seems like an awfully Pyrrhic victory for a defamation suit.

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We are a bit of a brain trust. Whenever something complex happens in the news (covid, Ukraine, etc) I have a few people around me ask, “What does your poker forum say about X?”. It’s a pretty unique community we have here.


Seems like a natural reaction by anyone with feelings when people attack their character as opposed to attacking the ideas.

Politics is the new religion and some of you absolutely spend alot of time on your knees.

He accepted that Amber Heard was a credible witness. Probably because that’s what a major British media outlet needed him to accept. Lazy or corrupt you can pick.

I’m sorry man the whole country just watched her entire narrative get absolutely obliterated on national TV. You weren’t paying attention when that happened, which is fine. I didn’t learn about any of this consensually I assure you.

This US trial wasn’t even close. It was a massive absurd blowout win and one of the most one sided things I’ve ever seen.


she won 2 million dollars because depp defamed her by saying the abuse was a hoax.

I’ve been pretty clear I think he’s a scumbag. He’s off the charts on guilt by association, which is a massive red flag with options like he has. I have zero doubt he got physical with her at least once and probably more than once. Where I think we’re diverging is that I think she was an active participant and probably primary instigator of those physical confrontations. She got caught beating up a girlfriend in public prior to being with Depp. She’s a full blown domestic abuser and I think that changes the context of the situation a large amount.


Man I followed none of this but this conclusively settles it for me:

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sorry gotta chime in here but he’s right. I never would bet a dime against Johnny Depp being an abuser which he clearly is - I would be less hesitant about betting against him being physically abusive ever - although to date I’ve yet to see any influence presented in this trial that wasn’t either completely fabricated, disproved by other testimony, or otherwise nonsensical.

I did watch and read most days of this trial and legally it really was not close. her case was absolutely awful and seemed to really hinge an absurd amount on painting him as a drug abuser, which he’s never denied iirc. she literally fabricated the brand of makeup she used to cover up her “bruises” (which were never ever corroborated by anyone other than some text messages between them where she made reference to them, never him). there was crap like this coming out every day, whether you wanted to hear about it or not, and quite honestly a lot of the pro-heard articles I’ve been trying to read come at this from absurdly naive and dumb angles.

And I don’t really care what mean things people have to judge about my character for taking a “side” here (I’m not, but people here love to immediately throw labels on to people based on scant information) but I did have to take a hard look at myself from some of his testimony because I noticed relationship abuse patterns here that hit way harder home than I would’ve ever guessed. he’s a scumbag yea, and an abuser, but it is absolutely not controversial at this point to paint her in the same/similar light.

legally, it’s not even worth getting into the finer points of that because obviously the larger convo is whether or not he’s an abuser, which was not really what the case was about legally at all.


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This hits a little close to home.