Democratic Primary Debates

Bernie just ended the mans whole career

annnnnd CNN has lost control.


That’s like Obama debating me. There is no point.

Mrs. Spidercrab has no patience for Bernie’s yelling.

Yeah but on their app.

Jake Crapper

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This isn’t funny

Warren and Sanders smack down on world-renowned no-nothing Delaney

They need to start playing music when someone goes too long.

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Bullock fought to get on a stage he’ll never return to.

Not enough time to come in here with these long pre-planned anecdotes.

You can keep your gouging insurance if you want it!

Why are there a bunch of republicans on the democrat debate stage?

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Fuck you Jake Tapper and your GOP trolling quesitons.

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Told you guys Tapper sucks

ripping healthcare out of the arms of an innocent working mother

Jake Tapper famed middle class pundit fighting for his people.

Tapper pulling a Chuck Todd here
