Democratic Primary Debates

I hate that this will play well. Fuck Joe Biden for using this.

Biden is on all the lucidity drugs.

Everytime Bernie tries to respond to Biden he gets cut off. Everytime Biden responds to Bernie they let him talk endlessly.

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They lose track of time because theyā€™re trying to figure out what Biden is saying.

Except in our simulation the casuals are the ones who decide the fight.

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He sounds better uncut than after heā€™s filtered through Bernie Twitter. Who knew?

Iā€™m guessing you didnā€™t watch any of the other debates or his victory speeches? Who knew!


AOC ripping him a new one, at least.

Lol is this your first time turning the TV on? Gtfoh


Thereā€™s another piece which is Biden has been saved by the bell numerous times by these muppets ringing it themselves.

Just getting here in time for closing messages. Yay.

Bidenā€™s eyes always remind me of the alien purity virus from The X-Files.



lol heā€™s just rambling


How many Pinocchios will Joe get?

Conceded but only by proxy given their involuntary and oblivious submission to the advertisers and promoters dogwalking them.

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CNN is saying Joe won the debate and Bernie was really just there to try to get Biden to pick up some of his policies without any hope to win

Biden : letā€™s not focus so much on the past like all those horrible things I voted for.

Also Biden : Obama Obama Obama Obama Obama.


Trump v. Biden. Because fuck you, thatā€™s why.

Iā€™m at a complete loss for words to express how frustrated I am and how hopeless I feel.

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