Democratic Primary Debates

I started watching this hoping for some, uh hope. Instead I think I’m going to watch that shitty looking Marky Mark movie on Netflix and wash dishes high on gummies.


Biden now 1/3 on naming previous viruses correctly. Not bad!

Can’t do M4A we just need to pay for all the tests and treatment…


Just for corona tho. Otherwise get fucked, fat


fuck u italy u losers

How can he say this shit with a straight face?

This is Trump-level gibberish from Joe, the transcript is going to be brutal

And just like with Trump it doesn’t matter

lol joe just lying

Does ANYONE believe that uninsured people who get this thing aren’t going to drown in subsequent medical bills?


M4A is fine as long as somewhat more people are dying than usual, as soon as its back to normal, meh

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If you get cancer, fuck you! If you get the virus though, we will pay

BIden '20


Biden’s gonna cure cancer bro

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ITS A FUCKING DEBATE shj do heh jjv be k hi f

I’m actually making progress in one of my group texts that is full of ppl voting Biden by hammering the fact that this is the ideal time to be advocating M4A and strong social safety nets (I know it’s heresy around here, but these are ppl that support the programs but think Biden is the only one that can beat Trump) and Bernie is the best person to put that message out there.

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Look I don’t want to talk politics at this Presidential Debate


The spacing of their podiums is a great example of socialist distancing.


“Mr. Sanders, you are making a devastating argument likely to appeal to actual humans, please shut up”


that look from biden when bernie downplayed ebola lol

Sure seems like they’re cutting off Bernie a lot :face_with_monocle: