Democratic Primary Debates

What in the fuck Timmy…

i appreciate you knowingly saying this stuff to summon the trump/brexit juju. williamson/buttigeig 2020

He has a track record, but was his time the best???

“Imagine you are going to die. What are you going to do about it!”

my feed is a bit behind and i actually only counted 3 golf claps

You’re not progressive GTFO


This is not playing how you want Klobs.

“I’m as progressive as everyone else on this stage, which is why socialism is evil.”

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I’ve won on the beaches, I’ve won in the air


You’re gonna make us proud of Donald Trump?

Should have just started with that, and not the “Let me tell you about this dead girl” speech

sorry amy. id turn the tv off sometimes.

In case anyone didn’t know, almost all the people on this stage are very rich.

Beto failed me on the “tell an anecdote” drinking game. Somebody must have gotten to him after the last debate.

They’re like you need to be wonky dude. You’re not with Biden.

“Just like I won the senate in that state…oh”