Democratic Primary Debates

They keep giving Pete 2 minutes and Bernie 20s

I know very little about English Soccer. But like EPL does some relegation happen after these debates so the next one is just one bebate?

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Based on this debate, thereā€™s a good chance Biden physically dies on stage tomorrow. I expect even Bennet to be dunking on him.

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Did I just see a commercial for plastic shoes?

as god as my witness, he is broken in half!

Sure Iā€™m rich now, but I was poor once.

as soon as it hits the 2 hour mark heā€™s going to say ā€˜looks like weā€™re out of timeā€™ and walk off the stage

Heā€™s apparently looking for the racist vote.

running to beat Trump. bold.

Senator Sanders, you are old, please respond

Bernie > Warren > Pete > Beto > Marianne > Getting diagnosed with SuperAIDS > The other 5 clowns > CNN

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how can you bumble through your closing statement, jfc

We need a plan to solve. We donā€™t need to solve it.

He reminds me of the ā€œPlanet-ariumā€ guy from South Park.

looks right to me. I actually might have Marianna ahead of Beto tonight though


She snorted coke on the break.

marianne killed it tonight

Or meth.