Democratic Primary Debates

Bloomberg looks like he could’ve been cast as either a Nazi or one of Indy’s professor friends.

Bloomberg really wishing that last poll wouldn’t have came out and qualified him for this.

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OMG Liz how many bombs did you pack tonight?

LOL, NBC deliberately having a round robin “Take your shot at bloomer on the police stuff”

Tom Steyer should stop and frisk Boomerberg backstage, steal his wallet and replace him as the token billionaire next debate


Why is Biden yelling and wagging his finger at me? I never stopped and frisked anyone.

This was absolutely the play and I’m shocked he didn’t decide to skip them all

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bloomberg shitting the bed


We’ve missed you Liz

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100% I wish she would stop with the anecdotes but the bombs are gold.

Biden doesn’t even wait until he gets to bed

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Where was this Liz Warren the whole time? She’s probably ahead if she was dropping bombs from the beginning.


So far the moderation has been good. Guess Chuck musta pulled a jman and done a heel turn once the Bernie Bros got ahold of him.


Klob playing up the victim. The case is heinous and the other two said the third wasn’t there, Klob prosecuted anyways. It’s ok though since someone was murdered. Fuck Klob and fuck Bloomberg.


Klob going hard against…investigating police shootings?

people don’t drop bombs like liz until it’s their last gasp, then they immediately drop out after it doesn’t do anything for them. I’m perfectly fine with all the bomb throwing but I don’t think the electorate in general, agrees.

This woman REALLY doesnt want Bernie to be the nom

why are they even giving klob airtime

I want to see TWO things

  1. bloomberg…
  2. warren kicking centrists in the fucking nuts

Edit:- Sorry bro… To many posters on to make those takes.

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also maybe 3. chuck todd making it perfectly clear what a no talent hack he is