Sadly, Chris Christie and Rahm Emmanuel are both regulars on George’s Sunday show.
Jfc I’m glad I don’t watch TV
On this at least we are in total agreement.
Pete is a lab-engineered cross between Rod Blagojevich, Rock Hudson, and a knockout rat.
Fuck everyone giving post debate analysis
Not sure Rahm Emanuel should be talking about judgement
Oh gosh let’s all breathlessly listen to Chris Christie give the Democratic Party advice.
Angel dust? What is this 1983?
“Gateway drug”!
Pete has won me over that he’s at least better than Joe! and Amy
Rahm needs to go join the Republican Party. Every time I remember that he is associated with Obama makes me think less of Obama.
We like Amy because she’s the only one brave enough to say she’s afraid of Bernie. Awesome ABC!
Sorry all, I’m done. This is worse than I imagine hate watching the SOTU would have been.
This debate was actually not rigged against Bernie. So there’s that.
Yang got dem Mr Rogers puppet arms:
This post-debate analysis is horrendous, but:
- They’re sticking the knife in Joe.
- I’ll take it if it means competent moderation.
So he is going to charge them with a crime. That is disappointing.
Sellers and producers. Not possession.
Also, when will they ask Klob about this