Democratic Primary Debates

Me. Well, I took a break. But I’m back.

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I don’t know if she’ll get the nomination (or win if she does), but she’d pretty clearly be the best POTUS out of everyone who is running.

Attack dog Liz is the best Liz

she’s shittalking billionaires! cut her mic!

Warren trying to get into a other credibility debate with Bernie, I’m sure this will turn out great for her! /s

Wait did Warren imply Bernie takes money from pacs because of that stupid Bernie pac?

If taking PAC money means being able to compete with Trump, I have no problem taking the damn money.

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Wait, why are you doing the snake thing now? Did I miss something?

Shot at Bernie’s PAC I guess


Why are they all doing the website thing now? Isn’t that for closing statements ?

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Klob killing it!

Lol who the fuck cares what Bloomberg says, he’s not on the goddamn stage

i like klob, i think she’d make a fine president. sometimes underlings deserve to get shit thrown at them.


Warren still doesn’t realize who her actual allies should be because she isn’t the genuine article.


That is correct

Bernie v Pete on money in politics: HERE WE GO

She’s had hers up quite a bit.

It was just an example.