Democratic Primary Debates

I think she’s been worse to Pete because I had high expectations for her. Early on there were a lot of things about her that I found appealing as a candidate. She’s just had too many side-show-bob-rake attacks for me to take her seriously - and in that sense yeah, I’m down on her.

Pete I dunno - I hate some of the stuff he’s doing especially in terms of the fundraising - but if he starts from the premise that he’s going to get elected, getting a pile of cash to jump over Bernie/Biden etc. may be the only way he sees a chance. Don’t like it, but I understand it. He probably just hasn’t disappointed me yet due to recency.


Yeah, Pete didn’t have time to “build a movement” like Bernie. I think he could be stealth liberal with his ideas about the Court and filibuster reform (unless I’m misremembering).

5pm-8pm PST today.

Same six as last time plus Yang.

Think it’s on ABC


"Bernie, you announced yesterday that you won Iowa despite the fact that Pete already announced victory on election night. Pete’s victory has been widely reported. Why did you do that?

“Well as a matter of fact I won by 6,000 votes.”

“Pete, how did you feel after winning Iowa?”


In to watch everyone launch their finishing blows at Biden. Glad this one is on a Friday so I can get properly drunk without having to drag myself to work the next day.


So much this. I’m getting hammered lol.

“Senator Sanders, your disappointing finish in Iowa confirms the fear many voters have that you are not capable of building a coalition big enough to defeat Trump. How do you respond to that confirmed fact?”

“Actually we won the popular vote in Iowa by 6,000 votes by bringing in voters of every race, gender, and age bracket. We brought in thousands of first time caucusers. We built the most diverse coalition in a historically homogeneous state, and that will carry through to the rest of the nation.”

“Mayor Pete, your historic win in Iowa proves that you have the support from all demographics to defeat Trump. Your poll numbers with African Americans are unlike any other candidates. How does it feel having this momentum heading in to NH?”

“All lives matter.”

This is basically how I expect most interactions in these debates to go at this point.


Pete? We all know your healthcare plan is different from Bernie’s but what about Bernie’s is actually worse than yours?

All of it, I mean how will he pay for it.

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Bernie you said Pete didn’t win iowa, so my question is why do you think that a gay man can’t win the presidency?


“President Sanders, how will you PAY FOR ITTTT” is the free space on the bingo card.


On that note, anyone got a good bingo card or drinking game? One of the creative types should take a shot at one and have @kre8tive tweet it out


Question - since this appears to be such an effective attack (I am not endorsing it, merely noting that it’s very effective) in the democrat primary, how will it play with the average numbskull voter? Probably pretty well, and you know that’s how Trump will attack Sanders.

Would be great if he answered “with the blood of billionaires”


Yes… Use Trumps line… All these elites WILL PAY FOR It, Ivory Towers and all get out your cheque books.

He won’t do it because he’s pure of heart and Christlike but as an amoral animal I’d be fine if Bernie just started saying middle class taxes would actually decrease under his m4a plan

He should just start saying Mexico will pay for it. Worked once, why not try it a second time.


I think it would be a great response to say “we all listened to the President lie to your face and say Mexico will pay for his wall. His voters knew that wasn’t true, but they knew they wanted that wall.

Well, I want you to have healthcare. At any doctor, any hospital, any pharmacy, and with absolutely zero dollars out of pocket. And unlike President Trump who lies to your face about where he will find the money for his racist pet projects, you can believe me when I tell you that your healthcare will be paid for by increased taxes on the wealthy and by once and for all putting and end to the profits of insurance companies who, by definition, make their money by charging you more for your healthcare than it costs.”


Too many words. Just tweak Trump’s politics for dummies right back at him.

You are going to have the greatest, most hugest healthcare in the world and who is going to pay for it?

Trump and his billionaire buddies!

Edit: As a rhetorical device I prefer simply “Trump is!”

Tonight’s debate is gonna be fun


Hot take: I think Yang takes the gloves off tonight and calls out the DNC for fucking up Iowa.