Democratic Primary Debates

I do, yes. There’s obviously a spectrum, but I think the cruelty of this administration and the increased probability of some long-tail black-swan event taking place because of Trump’s ego makes it a different decision than a run-of-the-mill shithead like Kasich.

Edit: but this is the last I can say on this because I am NOT using my 1000th post to defend Joe fucking Biden

same stuff as Jan (without counting Iowa polls)+ anyone who gets a delegate in Iowa.

Yang could get back in if there’s enough polls due to variance. Article says he needs just 2.

Don’t see anyone else though. Bloom isn’t getting a point in Iowa. Everyone in the last debate I think has already qualified.

The Conservative party in Canada governs like Biden would. It’s not the same at all, as an example historically corruption has always been a left wing thing in Canada vs a right wing thing in the US

I don’t know how your Canadian system works, but for Prime Minister isn’t it a little more like the US where we elect a (hopefully) temporary King than most parliamentary systems where the Prime Minister can be taken down at any time if they don’t have support from Parliament - and thus minority parties can have a share of power over the executive?

It also proves she can’t be trusted. She went from #2 to dead last in my book

If Warren is a complete fraud, Biden is still worse than the low end of her range.


Everybody aside from Bernie is oretty much awful. Picking out of them is like drafting in the last round of the NFL draft. It’s all shit there and you’re just randomly pushing buttons.

I know nothing about Tom Steyer. But I’d consider voting for him over the Democratic establishment based on the last debate.


Seems you all dont need much excuse to hate a woman.

Just saying.

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lol @ thinking Elizabeth Warren hate here is based in sexism gtfo


No, it’s a typical Parliamentary system. If a majority government is elected, the PM can function as close to a king because it’s highly unlikely his entire party revolts. Harper and Chrétien certainly governed that way. But that’s true of any parliamentary democracy, it just doesn’t happen as often in other countries because there are so many parties that majorities are rare.

Okay. Reading the last 150 post pinged the sexism radar over and over and over.

But sure. The reason you hate this specific woman is super rational. Because she

(Checks notes)

Repeated something that Bernie probably said to her and

(Checks notes)

Wouldnt accept an apology when he called her a liar to her face.


Get shucked

Why are you being so antisemitic?

See idpol is fun.


As we neared Iowa, Bernie appeared to be gaining some momentum and the corporate media and Dem establishment had been trying desperately to find a way to derail him. They were even trying to call Bernie, a literal Jew, antisemitic because it worked vs Corbyn.

Then, days before the final debate before Iowa, Warren, his supposed ideological ally and close friend, handed them an attack on a platter.

Warren was the second (or first) choice of many here, and her completely idiotic actions have caused an understandably emotional reaction. Its not sexism, it’s outage and betrayal. No matter who you support, none of us wants Biden, and Warren has increased his chances.


Wait what if Liz is really a super genius and knew that she was going to lose so she purposefully caused CNN to attack Bernie which would actually help him because everyone hates CNN?

Liz is good again


If you polled everyone hating on Warren in here on their favorite politician, favorite 2024 candidate, person they’d most like to see become the Democratic nominee ever, etc, how many do you think would choose AOC? 50%? 80%? 95%?

Most people here turned on her over policy, specifically her U-turn on healthcare that was conveniently timed with the moment she became a front runner for the nomination. In the context of that decision, and given the timing, this latest one seems more politically motivated than anything else.

They both could have handled this better, but she is the only one who could have unilaterally made it not a thing, and she declined to do so and instead escalated it on two or three occasions.

Bottom line: there’s tons of sexism in politics, and no true progressive will dispute that. It hurt Hillary a ton in 2016. It’s hurting Warren and the other female candidates in 2020. There are probably more examples of it than we even realize, and we should all do more to fight back against it. But Warren handled this poorly, and she risked sinking the progressive wing of the party in an election they have a reasonable shot to win for the first time in a long time. Both can be true.


There is a lot of antisemitism in the anti-Bernie crowd, including in the Dem party. He’s not louder than any of the other candidates and he’s certainly not less friendly. Biden is threatening to get in fights with people in every other appearance ffs.


Biggest problems with Liz are there used to be an ( R ) in front of her name and now there is a (D). Hard to trust those people. AOC is either going to blow up the party or get kicked out. The party wants loyalty far more than ideology. The party wasn’t talking about primarying Barbara Lee because she went against the party’s pro-war vote, but they want AOC out because she’s not letting them control funding. Obama isn’t out there basically equating Bernie with Trump as a threat that must be stopped because he’s so adamantly against free college and M4A. The Dem party, imo, would actually prefer Trump to Bernie. Trump doesn’t hurt the party, Bernie does. And Liz is maybe falling into line.


The other problem with the sexist argument is that Warren was #2 by a mile for most Bernie supporters or even #1 (boredsocial, etc) until her recent undermining of the progressive movement (M4A, war, trade, Bernie attack). Did they all just become sexists overnight, and it occurred simultaneously with these changes in her advertised progressive values? The hashtag #refundwarren means these people previously donated to a female candidate for president. Did all of these people not realize they were supporting a woman before or is the argument that they are all born-again sexists?


Honestly, I don’t think the people here are sexist. However, I think they are overly influenced by a group of people (on twitter, reporters, etc) who are. And those people aren’t even overtly sexist, it’s just that ol’ implicit bias that comes out in the way we view the actions of men vs. women. Most people here know about this phenomenon, but everyone has blindness when it comes to their own biases, especially when they are hidden very deep. Shit, even I still have to fight myself out of saying “sorry” all the time, for example…it’s conditioned.

Why is she being so hysterical?

Ugh, she’s so bossy.


Also I think their reaction would be the same for anyone who came after their chosen one