Democratic Primary Debates

how will you deal with bankrupting the country Bernie?

OMG, the questions being so over the top against Bernie might be good for him. Better than if they were subtle. Maybe.


Remember when people were afraid of the questions Sanders would get if he did a townhall on Fox News


How fast will you burn America to the ground if you are elected Bernie?


Bernie, you’re proposing spending metric fucktons of money on something other than killing brown people in the Middle East, HOW WILL YOU PAY FOR IT???


an UNPRECEDENTED level of spending, and for what? human rights?


Letting them bet numbers that aren’t on the wheel is brilliant to be fair.

I’d agree if the people in this country weren’t fucking stupid.


Impractical pipe dream, old man

haha i got home a little bit ago and have had it on in the background and didn’t even realize tom steyer was on the debate stage until right now. wtf. hopefully after every time he speaks someone else on the stage just laughs out loud and says good one tommy! or something super dismissive.

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The fucking DEFICIT?!

Klob has a hidden gambling addiction imo


I only just tuned in, is literally every Bernie question “HOW WILL YOOOO PAY FOR ITTTTT???”

that’s the most fair one they’ve asked him by far

lol Goat

Can you imagine there’s some parallel universe where Klob is an advantage gambler


Waiting for Pete to use the term welfare queen in this answer about freeriders

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medicare 4 all WHO WANT IT

right? like it sounds like people in her life are concerned about her gambling and are trying to get her help because she has no idea what shes doing and everything is spiraling out of control

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Except for the one where they asked him why he hates women.

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