Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

It is, in fact, at least mild evidence that it was right.

I’m glad hashtag abolish ICE man has found some fans on here, not surprised by who his fans are either lol


Summarizing that paragraph as “lying” is pure brain worms.

I’m not sure if Microbet and 6ix are aware of this, but Bernie Sanders was running to be president of the US, not the college debate champion.


Um didn’t you ever listen to 90s stand up? There are 5 types of Democrats. 3 types defined solely by what their body looks like 1 type defined by their working relationship and 1 type that has policy aspirations. And they walk down the street like this… Whereas…


“Oh only 30% of people agree with us so far. Let’s focus on hammering home how WRONG and EVIL and PATHETIC the other 70% are.”

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“… on a PLATFORM read and CARED ABOUT by as many as THREE PER CENT of those people”

Is he not advising to lie about abolishing ICE sometimes?

He doesn’t think it’s plausible for every politician in the country to immediately adopt an Abolish ICE platform. Do you?

So he tries to get some of them on board, it’s called making progress and having a plan (I know this is an anathema word sorry).

How do I know they’re wrong in the first place?

If they believe in abolishing ICE, yes, obviously.

“We need to run on what polls best instead of, you know, actually believing in things”

This is a great question, you tell me. I assume because they didn’t immediately bend the knee to our lord.

Because I know that even some people who are actual Bernie supporters were still treated as traitors.

Does it say that the people he’s talking about already believe that?

Here’s a question: how many democrat voters came up with their positions on, say, gun control on their own vs from hearing Democrats go on MSNBC all the time taking about universal background checks and closing the gun show loophole and bump stocks and magazine sizes and red flag laws? Like, if you asked a bunch of left leaning people, a priori, how would you deal with gun violence in this country - that’s not the shit they would have come up with. Most of it wouldn’t cross their minds. The simplest answer is obviously abolishing all private gun ownership, or at least handguns and semi automatic rifles. But it’s the standard liberal line now, because it is parroted constantly and the only pushback on the news comes from token kayfabe republican panelists.

There is no reason why we can’t take this literally mindless button pushing from 60 year old zero info voters and instead have them support good shit. Like if MSNBC had panels where 5/6 people were talking about abolishing ice, with only David Brooks or whatever pushing back on it, that would change the opinion of the democratic base.


This is exactly what Sean is talking about, slowly but surely infiltrating mainstream dialogue with left-wing ideas.

Bernie followers HATE this. They’d rather just discuss burning MSNBC to the ground.

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No. I’m saying if literally tomorrow every dem politician/pundit said “abolish ice” the electorate would support it pretty much immediately.

Sean is saying “well, if you live in a racist district let’s not offend anyone”.


If literally tomorrow the representatives for 60% of the country adopted our position that would be great yes. We should be asking ourselves how to get there, not fantasizing about snapping our fingers and poof.

OHHHHHH wait you thought that I was speaking approvingly about the fact that the leftmost boundary of the Overton window on gun control is universal background checks and bump stock bans.

No the point was that if our politicians and left leaning media stopped being such ineffective ghouls maybe their voters would too. These old people need good role models on TV and they don’t have any.


No I didn’t think you were approving the current discourse. I thought you were speaking about realistic goals. If you’re just doing some leisurely daydreaming please carry on.