Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

get over yourself, the lefties that refuse to vote for biden are a tiny tiny fraction of the people who just straight up won’t vote in this country. work on pushing the party to offer those people something.

if you need some suggestions, i’d just look right at the bernie platform


But Obama, and Biden as he has said publicly, never once themselves told Sanders to drop out.

Yeah and the FBI didn’t tell MLK to kill himself.


Oh you mean the platform of the guy I donated to? Supported by the Congressional candidate I donated to who primaried a shitty establishment Dem?

I’m working on pushing the party. I’m just not dumb enough to tacitly support a second term of Trump.

“when the eDems blame the BernieBros, they’ll be right”

was a completely baseless claim then and it’s wrong now

thanks for making the right choice then. no thanks for immediately returning to the establishment narrative about Bros.

Biden dropkicked the Latino vote into the trash when he told an immigrant rights activist to vote for Trump, how about blame him instead of the bErNiEbRoS


It was bullshit when the blamed Bernie supporters in 2016, it won’t be this time. That’s what I meant.

So I see Trolly put on a fucken masterclass.


That’s because R voters don’t care about anything besides fucking over minorities and women, putting guns into the hands of every white person aged 3 and up, and making sure they never have to contribute a dime of their income to society. All of those things will be delivered no matter which of their candidates gets nominated, so they have every reason to show up no matter who it is. It’s not like Jeb “only let the Christians in!” Bush would have given reparations, taken away guns, put abortion clinics on every corner, raised taxes etc.

By contrast, when it comes to D voters, some actually care about the things the party pretends to care about, so when the party nominates a candidate who will do exactly zero of those things, it’s not much of a mystery why many would-be voters stay home.

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Bernie supporters don’t align politically with Biden. In fact, I would argue that moderate republicans are a lot closer to Biden, politically, than the left is. Moderate republicans are also probably closer to Biden than they are to Trump. And let’s not forget about the hundreds of millions of registered voters who just don’t feel compelled to vote in most elections.

It’s weird that you don’t point the finger at moderate Republicans for costing Biden the election. Or the non voters. Or at Biden/the DNC for not motivating any of those people to vote for him. It’s just team Bernie who you expect to go out of their way to vote for a racist, rapist, cognitively impaired, generally shitty person who they loathe.


Is it fair game to say that BruceZ, Trolly, and Clovis all fuck soldedads horses while billionaires shit in their mouth and Biden lays his wrinkly balls on their face?

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I loathe him, too. I blame moderate Republicans for giving us Trump in the first place. I blame the DNC for ramming Biden down our throats. Fuck them. But when fuck them turns into “I’m not voting for him,” you’re really saying “Fuck the poor people suffering from this pandemic. Fuck the kids in cages. Fuck the people waiting at the border. Fuck the people dying from lack of healthcare. Fuck the unarmed black people being killed by cops. Fuck em all, I can’t vote for this guy!”

We have a binary choice.


pretty hard because many of the bigger populated R state margins are smaller than the D ones but barely win FL+AZ+NH (NV, CO, MN, VA all barely wins), lose WI+MI+PA+NC+GA is still 270.

The bolded is the only one there’s even a remote chance of Biden doing anything about and I frankly doubt he’ll even do that. An awful lot of the Hashtag Resistance set didn’t give a shit about ICE under Obama and will immediately return to not giving a shit under [Generic Democrat]. They’ll be at brunch again.

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No one ever gave a shit about ICE. I went to a bunch of protests including some with hundreds of thousands of people at the #Resistance parades and yeah, there were always some references to immigration, but the demonstrations around ICE at the detention centers never had more than one or two hundred people and usually more like 20.


So did Corgan get a better deal for other people or just him? Because the latter doesn’t sound like “making the big labels play fair” and doesn’t sound especially heroic, either.


So what did Corgan get out of the lawsuit besides more money for himself because if that was it he isn’t much of a hero. But I guess politics is a lot like the music industry, you gotta sellout to get the big money, unfortunately a lot of the sellouts in politics never end up using that earned money to, you know, fight for the little guy

You don’t think Biden will do better than Trump on the pandemic? Better than Trump on healthcare? I mean, fuck, at least he won’t be trying to repeal ACA and will do some patch work fixes that will help real working class people.

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I don’t know about Corgan, but I definitely think Tom Petty got better deals for others because he showed how to fight the major labels and win. Point is, however, that the current state of “progressive” politics is mainly just disgruntled postuting. The progressives have already taken over the democratic party. Some folks need to learn to take a win. This article was posted above, but it’s spot on.

I don’t care if dirtbag leftists don’t vote for Biden. If they don’t then they have no actual commitments and are simply engaged in performative politics, like tea partiers, and they’ll likely end up as anarchists or anarcho capitalists by the next go round.