Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

He would have to hold the 2 houses though?

lol i misread

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I can’t believe what I’ve read, well I can that’s why I read it, waiting on my game to start at 1 am GMT, Afghanistan war was legal, so? - We can’t vote them out, Hmm that’s a new one from a poster who said upthread he literally posts all the time for more voting.

Finding out where ChrisV got his new aviator & Micro as usual crushing with less words is better & goofyballer setting up fools for breakfast.

The Trumper quote was my Favourite tbh, “you’re just mad your side lost” Classic.

No wonder Clovis slinked off. :mobile_phone_off:

Edit: Fuck, I can’t see edits if I’m not a Mod, bastards.

Edit 2: I can now see why some made it in poker and some didn’t. :yum:

Yeah I said it.

Edit:3 Watevs literally saying “I hate wars, I hate the cost of healthcare & help the Palestinian people” and peeps not be believing.


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youre fucking goddamn right i bumped this thread


i can’t really overstate it enough

I hope you get M4A so you can treat your chronic tennis elbow from patting yourself on the back constantly for your incredible “insights”.

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Is there gonna be a thing now just because I pointed out that you seemed to be pretending to not understand a simple thing? Those weren’t exactly fighting words and I didn’t mean them to be.

My only insight is that the primary was traumatizing for everybody and nobody actually wants to really talk about it.

Lol, fair enough. I just think that there’s two months here to stop Trump. I know you guys think you’re advocating the left position by attacking Biden but you’re actually just getting duped by people on the right that know if they put anti-Biden “scoops” out then all the Never Biden crowd simply cannot resist the dopamine hit from spreading it around with an I TOLD YOU SO! Leveraging the best intentions of the left is in, like, chapter 1 of the fascism playback. Be better.

The say nothing bad about Biden thing is about as smart as the just say no to drugs thing. Just be honest. People are dumb, but not that dumb and they can tell when someone is full of shit.


Agreed, although many people cannot actually tell when someone is full of shit - that’s why Trump exists is the first place. Most people will gleefully accept bullshit if its bullshit they want to agree with. I think what you’re referring to is when Person A is trying to change Person B’s mind then A needs to stay 100% BS free because B will jump at the first opportunity to dismiss A. This is more or less what is happening with the Never Biden crowd here. Yes, Joe is trying to sell a dubious progressive image. No, that doesn’t mean he’s actually a sleeper agent for the right.