Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I’m pretty sure 10% of the population are on the personality disorder spectrum somewhere. I mean if we took the parents of all the posters here I bet we’d be >10% lol. I say this with some confidence because I know I’ve got at least 2 of the ones we’d need to get to 10% right here.

‘fabricated’ lol

First of all, Biden is an elitist. He holds 100k a head fundraisers. When the struggles of millennials came up, he said “give me a break” and “i have no empathy for it”. I can’t imagine a more elitist perspective than saying “nothing will fundamentally change” in a world full of growing income inequality.

Second, when the D nominee says something like this (especially after the basket of deplorables thing), it’s not the reporters fault that people will interpret it as talking about his opponents. Dumbass Biden should have kept his mouth shut.

It was political malpractice when Hillary said it and it is again now.


We get it. You don’t like Joe Biden. Neither do I. The media will manufacture some bullshit narrative like this no matter what he says, so he may as well try to mobilize the base and goose turnout because that’s how he wins. The mythical swing voters who were maybe with him until he was mean to them exist only in the imaginations of highly paid beltway dipshits.

I agree with this generally, but I don’t think the deplorables-type talk helps. I just don’t see that motivating a lot of Dem voters but it sure as hell gets the actual deplorables frothing at the mouth.

All that to say - I’m not sure it helps on net turnout and may actually hurt

Let’s not act like Biden’s elitism is ginned up by the media, he is an elite and acts like it. There’s plenty of people who don’t like ‘divisive rhetoric’ and I’m not sure that the base is getting charged up by statements like this.

I don’t think there’s a chance in hell that a statement like this is +EV for his election chances.

Haha, probably, but he can’t say that…yet.

Very glad to hear him say that. 10-15% is way more than a few bad apples.

That’s the beauty of it: everyone dislikes 10-15% of people and they can read into it what they will.

Rotfl at the idea calling trumpkins bad people is wrong. One more in a long line of watevs ideas that perfectly match trumpkins.

i said it was political malpractice for the D nominee to do it, not that it wasn’t accurate or was “wrong” you fucking piece of shit

Obviously true, but terrible politics. But then, people on the old forum thought “basket of deplorables” was a smart thing for Hillary to say.

Looks like some of them migrated over, with the added bonus that you’re a Trump supporter if you disagree

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You call Biden a liar every chance you get but he tells the truth and you question it? For progress to be made you have to call out your enemies. I hate the overuse of “bad faith” rhetoric but come on you can’t possibly believe this.

I never said you are a trump supporter just that a massive part of your worldview overlaps significantly with his supporters.

This point would take long enough to make that it’s impossible on the forum. And I know damn well that I could explain it and you’d agree if we took it to PMs (I don’t want to do that though).

The person running for POTUS should not talk about how bad large swaths of voters are. They don’t have to lie to not do that.

Biden has probably learned his lesson and we can all agree to move past calling garbage “garbage” now is best for everyone

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How much does it bother you, on a scale from Biden winning to Trump winning, that people of color will always like and respect Biden more than you?

Which issues?

Powell didn’t look all there in that interview. I think Biden is going for the “Big Tent, Full of People with Dementia” approach to building a base.


Naw, it’s the general now, so even an endorsement from the podcast comedy dope would be aces!

I would draw the line at people actually still working for Trump, though. Biden should swear off those endorsements for sure, should they come.

Unfortunately I’m too cowardly to start a GE thread.