Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

lol Biden

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Q: Does the president have blood on its hands?

A: I think that’s a little too harsh, I think what’s happening is, the failure to, as I watched uhhh a prelim to you show, where someone said that uhhh, made the phrase, used the phrase, that uhhh the president just thinks out loud. he should stop thinking out loud and start thinking deeply. he should start listening to the scientists before he speaks. he should listen to the health experts. he should listen to his economists. he should, for example, the united states congress passed a significant piece of legislation to help deal with the incredible financial crunch that’s going to affect working families and all families, the whole economy. so we should be right now thinking about how we get those small business loans out the door, because right now you’re not banks that’s not the strong point of banks focusing getting small business loans out, thats there most employees they should be focusing on making sure we’re in a situation where we’re able to see to it that unemployment benefits can get to people, what’s the IRS doing to get those $1200 checks to people etc, thats where the focus should be and it should be laser focus


Only she didn’t lose, so there’s that

She was a terrible candidate. Trump lost the popular vote because California is a decent state and he lost here by 4 million votes. He won the rest of the country. And no one even campaigned in California. Everywhere it was a contest Hillary lost.


Let’s take this over to the Presidency Of Hillary Clinton thread

How the fuck is he the nominee? Thanks Obama.


Good to know the people of California don’t count. You can stay home come November and save yourself the bother

This thread is terrible.


Because we’re a good state we vote by mail. I’ll stay home and vote, thanks.

The point of the Presidential election is to become President. When you don’t become President you lose. We can agree that the system needs to be changed and also agree that Hillary was an all time terrible candidate for pretending the Midwest didn’t exist when she knew the rules of how you win the election.

To continue to say she didn’t lose is a Q level lizard brained take.

ETA: get ready to see this strategy from Biden again because of idiotic takes like this that show nothing has been learned. Biden has the least competent campaign of any of the contenders in Iowa and has zero stamina to actually campaign in a national election. The Biden campaign is going to be completely reliant on having surrogates campaign for him. So we basically have to hope that Bernie has it in him to pretend to be the candidate when he isn’t and that the Obamas come back out of retirement to do all of Biden’s events for him.


She was also a terrible candidate because she stole a platform she obviously didn’t believe in and “I’m with Her” was more than just her slogan and it was a horrible strategy and message. If she’d spent all year in Michigan she would have lost there by more.


Eh, I kinda gotta side with @King_of_NY here. It’s what I alluded to when I typed this:

If we want to talk tear gas takes, that’s anything that doesn’t explicitly acknowledge upfront ~60mm people looked at trump and said, “O hellz ya, fuck me up buddy!”

The difference is that Bernie is good and HRC is, uh, bad. But it doesn’t follow that “HRC is bad” gets us “HRC is a bad candidate because x, y, and z”. That’s fundamentally the same sophomoric, inane nonsense that people use to deride Bernie.

Considering your vote doesn’t matter, enjoy actively wasting your own time.

Sounds like you’re being sarcastic or you think this scores a point, but yeah, my vote does not matter.

Huh? There is such a thing as good or bad candidates and it’s possible for some people to be right and others wrong about who is and isn’t one.

And why that doesn’t seem to be a bother may be more disturbing than the constant repetition of a GOP taking point as if it’s truth.

The good omen for Biden is generic dem has a much larger advantage than any of those candidates’ parties had going in to their elections.

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Another good omen is Biden is a pretty generic Dem.

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Did you catch the beginning?

I appreciate MD’s reply but I’ve yet to hear a definition that isn’t a needlessly complicated and/or purposefully vague way of obfuscating a clearer point.

I did wince when I saw you’d posted this right after I posted.