Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I’m sure Joe will leap at this opportunity! :joy:

The beating would be so bad it would instantly make Joe empathize with Paul Ryan.

Joe just straight clowns on this guy by quietly cackling while he makes his points, and then at 1:34
the moderator is like uhh, Joe, why are you laughing?

Joe: Because not a single thing he said is accurate.

Haven’t seen this Joe in almost a decade, though as I watch the debate now, I can’t help but see all of the weaknesses in Biden that have only grown worse since 2012. Biden did a good job roundly thrashing Paul Ryan, but if these last debates have highlighted anything in hindsight, it’s less that Biden was terrific at debating and more that Paul Ryan really was that bad.

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I saw that clip on Twitter earlier today. It’s amazing how much he’s deteriorated since then. Total bummer.

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I’m not some political genius or anything and I will be voting for Sanders over Biden, but my basic (maybe naive) thought is that the alternative is Trump. Biden isn’t moving the needle much in the progressive direction, but he is at least going to move the needle some non-zero amount to the left from where it is now.

Again, the alternative is Trump. There is no other alternative if Biden is the nominee. It’s Biden or Trump. Biden is umpteen times better and at least has some good stances on things.

I want things to go way left, but I’d rather have them in the middle than continuing to push further and further right and further and further into Trump hell. I know the outlook for 2022/2024 could be bad, so I guess there might be an argument that a Trump win could be better for other Dem elections later on, but I’d still rather ditch Trump and take my chances (I’m also assuming that neither Biden nor Bernie go for a second term because of age).

FWIW, as long as his mind is ok (no comment), I think Biden would be a good President in general. I might not agree with all of his positions on things, but he knows the lay of the land, understands how shit works, and would probably make progress in restoring our respect internationally. I honestly think some of Biden’s problems in the debates have to do with his speech impediment.

Once more, I HIGHLY prefer Bernie and will vote for him in three weeks, but I’m not worried as much about progressive power or lack thereof when the alternative is more Trump. I just want a Dem to win and go from there.

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I’m still trying to figure out what to think about Tom Steyer. On the one hand, fuck billionaires who buy their way into elections, but he did come off really well. He seemed like he genuinely cared and wanted to do good by the people and the country. I don’t know, maybe he was faking it. I was so confused.

Hopefully he’ll put his gold coin vault to good use.

“The left” can live with Biden if he throws them a bone or two. Move a bit more left on healthcare, decent VP and it sucks but it’s manageable compared to Bloomberg, Pete etc. If Biden moves right from here…ugh, it gets bad.

Agreed. I’m really interested to see who his VP pick is if he gets that far. That shit doesn’t normally matter, really, but in this case, it might.


I think the dem party is a good deal more left than in 2008 and Biden will likely be surrounded by a more liberal cast than Obama. There will be plenty of more conservative dem voices who have been with Biden for a while, but there will also be some Warren supporters and policy people. I would expect a Biden administration to be more progressive than Obama, somewhat akin to Johnson being more left than Kennedy.

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Rotfl. You started calling me names in every post you made. I let it slide for a bunch before I ever responded to you. Want me to repost your “respectful disagreement”?

You are such a standard weak bully. Dish it out over and over but get any pushback and you are screaming and crying.


This is great, but it’s too fucking late.

Also, there’s no graceful way to exit. Liz got wrecked by Bernie AND Biden in her own state.

I would still massively prefer if Liz ran away with the nomination compared to what we have now.

I wonder if the Bloomberg money comes with Liz not getting a seat in the Biden administration. Because frankly I expected Liz to endorse Joe.

Liz is just going to lose twice if she backs Bernie now. Had she backed him in FUCKING 2016, like at all, or ever, or a week ago, it might be different.

Lol this is your sad go to when you can’t counter an argument. You call everyone a liar when you don’t like the facts.

He should really just let Pete and Beto do all his rallies

Seriously though, I’ve never been able t find the real answer to htis question:

wtf happens if our nominee dies before the general (but after the convention)? The VP pick makes some sense, but then again, we didn’t vet or vote for that person.

Second place? Have another convention real quick?

What if they die a week before the election? ugh…names on ballots already, can’t be changed, what now?

Emergency delegate meeting to vote. At least that’s what the DNC chair in 2016 was thinking of doing if Hillarys pneumonia turned out to be an issue. (I think she said she was going to push Booker/Biden)

Lol and we have a real life “Heads up for rollz?” sighting.

this is astonishing for like a million reasons


My heart wasn’t a troll. I genuinely haven’t enjoyed a good “heads up for rollz” in like a decade. It was a nice bit of nostalgia.