Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Looks like team Bloomberg deleted all those dumbass Bernie “satire” tweets?

Bloomberg is a moron. I don’t care if this wasn’t his idea.

We need to cherish these moments while they last.

That’s actually… sad. His policies are bad, I want him nowhere near the dem nomination, but I feel sorry for him. It’s time his family talks him into hanging it up.


Boy, it sure would be unlikely that a billionaire presidential candidate has no security cameras inside or outside his offices that look at the windows, and also that there are no cameras from other offices around this that might have caught who did this. I’m sure Bloomer will release the footage shortly to help America catch the villain(s).

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I don’t know what the point even is. Like if someone scrawled misogynist or homophobic shit across Klob or Pete’s offices I’d be like, that’s a shit thing to do, but obviously I’m still not voting for them. As it is I’m like “yes I would like to eat the rich, thank you for asking”.

Maybe the idea is that this is more toxic Bernie Bros but it’s kind of a long bow to draw surely.


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They could have done "mini mike"as the false flag, but they couldn’t imagine themselves as a threat to Trump and Trump is not their real enemy.

“Oligarch”, “Stop and frisk”, “eat the rich” - America deserves better.



Wtf are you even talking about?

Ehh. I’m gonna r/thathappened on this one.

Should be asking the candidates against M4A how we are going to keep paying for insurance industry profit.


This is actually more likely than you think. Bloomberg is hiring an army of people to work for his campaign who all think he has zero shot and his campaign is laughable.

Yeah I know. Just I think she does too, and the exact account of what happened is unbelievable to me. Like the guy would laugh and say “to be honest me too” or something, not FEEL THE BERN HOMIE. Also not convinced Bloomberg has people canvassing in SF.

Confirmed that team Bloomberg deleted those Sanders tweets, also loves him some President Xi:

Not only is the comment about the father and son overdoses horrible, but Bloomberg going on to say that marijuana is “another addictive drug” that reduces teenagers’ IQs by ten points would be gold in an anti-Bloomberg commercial. I still think the party needs his money, but somebody needs to convince him he’s too old and way out of touch. His best bet is to go back on the sidelines and help fund the Democratic nominee.

lol what vandal spray paints a piece of paper and then tapes it on the window and they didn’t even spray paint the building wall in the second one lmaooo. It’s definitely one of his paid employees that didn’t wanna clean up a lot after lol

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Bloomberg isn’t wrong that Xi Jinping has to answer to his constituency or he will be removed from power. But that is true for literally every despot in history. It’s true of Stalin, Hitler, Saddam, all those dudes.